Leader bent over- should I remove fruit?


5 year old buck +
The leader on this standard apple tree (Snow sweet) is already bent over with the weight of apples. I planted this two years ago. Thrilled to have apples, but long term more important, Should I remove the apples, somehow support the leader, or something else? I'm guessing I should have pruned the leader back last winter.

leader bent.jpg
Yes or at least thin it substantially. A piece of 10' conduit loosely tied to the leader would be a good idea as well.
I WISH that I had that problem........

Since tree/s by their 3rd leaf are structure wise not yet developed enough as a support system I would advise to remove all apples until 5th leaf. Trees allowed to bear too early risk the chance of runting out causing them to remain stunted as adults. Grow the tree first and delay fruiting is the best advice I can give you.
Thanks Appleman. I cut off the apples today- man that was tough to do as I was so happy to have apples so soon. I have to admit I left a few on the lower limbs just so I could see how they fair.