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Land butting up against 18 houses?


5 year old buck +
Would you buy land that butts up against 18 houses in eastern oh? I am thinking about it but not sure how much of a trespassing issue I would have. First thing I would do would be to post it. I'd like to get others opinions. It is just shy of 20 acres. TY
I am assuming you have deer hunting in mind. I would have to know more about the setup before saying for sure, but I have a few bow only spots like this that I have taken several good bucks at. I only hunt them a few times per year because it is annoying listening to kids playing and people mowing their lawns/running snow blowers etc. Mine seem quick to burn out the spot when hunted regularly but there seems to be an advantage of having constant human smells in the area so a little tougher to get busted by deer. They can be great spots when you only have an hour to hunt before dark kind of thing.
No way on God's green earth

This is my gut reaction as well.

But it all depends I guess on where the land is and how it is bordered by the 18 neighbors. But 20 acres is not a lot of land. I can imagine sitting in a stand each night trying to have a peaceful deer hunt and having to listen every neighborhood kid, barking dog, lawn mower, etc. for 3 hours. That and the potential trespassing issues. way.
I think you’d be overrun run continuously with dogs and people. Maybe if it was 100 acres you’d have a buffer but even then I wouldn’t do it.
Flip it for development
Where I live, there is one larger land owner with 20 plus houses that border his land. He has to be an a-hole to everyone around because some don't respect his property. I do and so do most neighbors I know but many have had run ins with him over the years. I think it would definitely be an uphill battle dealing with people. But its all about expectations I guess, don't expect it to be totally peaceful and trespasser free. It could be a good investment if you buy and hold a few years, then trade up.
Here that land would be a ravine or drainage of some sort, and not fit for development or flipping outside of hunting. I know youtube is full of 200" bucks getting shot on those type properties. I still wouldn't do it. I like privacy, peace, and quiet.
If it was a good price ? You could hunt it until you sell it again .. or build on it .
I have a property that was divided before I bought it. My acreage wraps around a house that sits on a couple acres. Anything I do near that one house is annoying to me. Their property is completely fenced (4' chain link) and they have dogs that will bark at me for two straight hours if I hunt near or access that line. When I bought it, I thought it would be great to have my scent blown towards their house, now I avoid it completely.
Would you buy land that butts up against 18 houses in eastern oh? I am thinking about it but not sure how much of a trespassing issue I would have. First thing I would do would be to post it. I'd like to get others opinions. It is just shy of 20 acres. TY

Trespassing would be constant, dogs running game, and lights/noise going on all the time. Imagine being a young kid and having 20 wild acres to explore out your backdoor?

So in short, I would never consider it unless I was going to put in a sub-division or retail space.
I would avoid it unless you could put up a 6'+ fence along that entire border. The dog and trespasser situation will likely be pretty bad.
I’d probably avoid it too, but an archery only area can produce big bucks . It would have to be a steal of deal for me to buy it !
My north property line at home is the city limits and on the other side is a typical neighborhood with houses lined up on 1/4-1/3 acre lots. South of the neighborhood is mostly agriculture with my place being most of a 10 acre wood lot. There is always a doe and fawn living mostly on my place but other than that there is not consistent deer use on my place and definitely not older bucks which I believe is mostly because its a dead end into town and they have plenty of space in the other direction. The situation you're looking at may be different if the deer don't have big chunks of undeveloped private land nearby to choose instead of hanging out next to the neighborhood. It does sound like a less than ideal situation for a hunting property.
I saw a piece with 80ish acres at a good price near me a few years ago, under $100K. Crap tear down house and junk to be removed. On a well traveled paved road. Mostly wooded upland. I thought about it until I looked on the GIS map and saw it had a few dozen small lots all around the perimeter. I didn’t figure it would be worth the aggravation given that it would never be prime hunting.

this is the northern end and only appears to be a few acres. The rest is well wooded and south. All of the concerns mentioned above have been mine concerns as well. It would be archery only for me, and what was said earlier of big bucks has been true for me as well. It is surrounded by lots of woods as well
I wouldnt say it will be a steal but it will come with mineral rights