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Land auction


5 year old buck +
Found a small 151 acre farm up for auction next week. I won’t get back from Universal Studios Orlando until a couple days before the auction. Really really tough to say what an auction would bring for selling price particularly with the current round of inflated property prices. This particular property borders a interstate on one side so I doubt the deer hunter crowd will be highly interested and it currently has no tillable ground do to brush growing up everywhere in the pastures so most crop farmers probably aren’t interested either cattle guys most of them anyway can’t afford to pay current land prices. So maybe it can be bought at a descent price but I’m not holding my breath on that.
Not for nothing. But most hunters would never want land next to an interstate. I get that.
My best friend had a family farm that was split in two by the NJ turnpike. We lost a few deer to road kill but they learn pretty quickly not to jump the fence.

I loved it. Road noise covered my noise. Road movement covered my movement. I used to access stands by walking down the turnpike. Had 1 officer in many years that didn’t like that.

I think it’s under rated. But you have to put up with the noise also.
Haven’t got it bought yet will see how the auction goes I’d go $3000 an acre no problem $4000 an acre maybe but I’m out of town and haven’t even seen the place other than satellite photos. My hope is being as large a tract as it is price per acre is discounted at least some from the smaller ones that have sold in the area.
Not for nothing. But most hunters would never want land next to an interstate. I get that.
My best friend had a family farm that was split in two by the NJ turnpike. We lost a few deer to road kill but they learn pretty quickly not to jump the fence.

I loved it. Road noise covered my noise. Road movement covered my movement. I used to access stands by walking down the turnpike. Had 1 officer in many years that didn’t like that.

I think it’s under rated. But you have to put up with the noise also.
Not on an interstate, but I own property on a BUSY US Highway. Biggest buck I have ever killed was 30 yards from me and I was 29 yards from the guardrail. I was a little worried I might get hit in the head with a beer bottle. After sitting in the stand for about thirty minutes, you almost dont notice the road noise.
Not on an interstate, but I own property on a BUSY US Highway. Biggest buck I have ever killed was 30 yards from me and I was 29 yards from the guardrail. I was a little worried I might get hit in the head with a beer bottle. After sitting in the stand for about thirty minutes, you almost dont notice the road noise.

I agree on one things and disagree with the other. One of my better hunting spots was next to a hiway, right at the edge of town, lots of deer, some rather nice big deer, but I could never get use to the noise all day, it drove me insane. Sure the noise may have covered my noises, but I couldn’t hear a deer either. Where I live and hunt now, I can hunt all day with out hearing more then 1-2 cars a day drive by, and it’s usually my wife. I love the tranquility of bow hunting in the quiet woods.
My property is on an interstate. It certainly isn’t peaceful and serene near the highway, especially during winter with no leaves on the trees. Deer don’t mind though. Not at all.
I agree on one things and disagree with the other. One of my better hunting spots was next to a hiway, right at the edge of town, lots of deer, some rather nice big deer, but I could never get use to the noise all day, it drove me insane. Sure the noise may have covered my noises, but I couldn’t hear a deer either. Where I live and hunt now, I can hunt all day with out hearing more then 1-2 cars a day drive by, and it’s usually my wife. I love the tranquility of bow hunting in the quiet woods.
When those log trucks come by, it brings me out of my trance. I dont worry about hearing the deer coming - I know they arent coming from behind me off the highway - so only have to worry what is in front of me.

At my home ground, where I live and do most of my hunting, the east side of my property borders a county blacktop road and there are a few houses nearby. The west side is a mile and a half - by atv only - down in the bottoms and you cant hear a vehicle. We kill by far more big bucks on the highway side - where you can hear dogs barking, roosters crowing, the school bus, and lawn mowers.

The most successful bowhunter I know hunts a 27,000 acre public ground near my land. He scouts by driving the gravel roads on the area after a hard rain - looking for fresh tracks crossing the roads. He usually sets up about 75 yards from the road. He says the farther you get from the road, the more they start to fan out from their crossing. He said he likes all the folks who think they need to get far from the road. He said almost everyone he talks to will relate some story about seeing a monster buck - and you know where they saw them - crossing the road.

I hadnt really thought about it too much - We spend far more time hunting farther than 1/4 mile away from the highway than within 1/4 mile of a highway. We have ten mounted deer heads in my house, and eight of them were killed within 1/4 mile of a paved road. I spend a lot of hours hunting three or four miles by boat up or down the river far from any road - maybe I should spend more time near the school bus stop
I agreed with you on the deer part, just not on the part of me getting use to the noise.
There is a pinch point right by the highway for me. I've hunted 30 yards from the interstate before. That was just too loud. Wore ear muffs......during crossbow season. In other parts you do get used to the dull background roar. I live in Chicago though and there is always a dull roar in the background from lake shore drive and I90/94.
I agree on one things and disagree with the other. One of my better hunting spots was next to a hiway, right at the edge of town, lots of deer, some rather nice big deer, but I could never get use to the noise all day, it drove me insane. Sure the noise may have covered my noises, but I couldn’t hear a deer either. Where I live and hunt now, I can hunt all day with out hearing more then 1-2 cars a day drive by, and it’s usually my wife. I love the tranquility of bow hunting in the quiet woods.
I agree, I used to hunt across the river from an elevator. They would kick the fans on around 7 in the morning and let them scream all day. I never got used to that.
I hunted on a property that bordered and interstate for one season…all I could take. Deer hunting was painful and turkey hunting was impossible. But the one good thing is you don’t have to worry about neighbors on that one side.
Well if I get it bought I’ll rent the pasture ground out and if there is any tillable ground after clearing I’ll rent that out also if there is enough of it to fool with. Hunting for me will be secondary on this property at least initially. I’m not really buying this one for it’s hunting value not to say I think it’s zero just not a purchase with that as a motive. I still haven’t even been by to look at it not that it’s necessary I’ve bought buildings before sight unseen and sold them years later never having stepped foot in it once. I’m in a hotel tonight returning from a week at Universal Studios in Orlando. I love my family but after a week of this shit I’m done.
Well if I get it bought I’ll rent the pasture ground out and if there is any tillable ground after clearing I’ll rent that out also if there is enough of it to fool with. Hunting for me will be secondary on this property at least initially. I’m not really buying this one for it’s hunting value not to say I think it’s zero just not a purchase with that as a motive. I still haven’t even been by to look at it not that it’s necessary I’ve bought buildings before sight unseen and sold them years later never having stepped foot in it once. I’m in a hotel tonight returning from a week at Universal Studios in Orlando. I love my family but after a week of this shit I’m done.
Well just be glad you are done…I’m paying my dues over thanksgiving.
Since your close to the interstate, is it close to an exit. Might get a developer wanting to make subdivisions. In NY there's a long wait for homes right now. IT makes no sense to add to the list, but people are doing it with properties. Alot of people betting the bank on working far far from work and working from home.

I kind of seeing a backlash of this, cyber security. Too many security breeched and they may want certain folks in certain jobso r industries to work on their servers directly... Also, I work for a Utility, they want the desk folks back 5 days a week. Thinking their staff is getting too soft.......
Would a couple rows of thick pine trees on the interstate property line cut down on the noise levels?
Interstate? No way. I don’t care how good the hunting is.

I own property on a county road and along a federal parkway. The road noise is my biggest regret. The first year I owned it, I bumped a buck that ended up being hit by a car. Worst feeling in the world. Seclusion is one of the main attributes I’m seeking in my next purchase.
There is a pretty thick cedar/Osage orange stand of trees along the highway side already that that’s not really an issue. As soon as we stepped out of the van interstate noise was unmistakable even from the far side of the property we walked it some this afternoon. Creek splits property about 1/3 on one side and 2/3 on the other really a giant pain in the backside for fencing in cattle so I would most likely fence both sides of the creek bottom instead of building some ridiculous water crossings that very likely would be gone or ruined in the first 8” rain we get in a week. Auction is tomorrow morning should be interesting if nothing else to see who ends up buying it. I’ll throw my hat in the ring but you truly have no idea how an auction could end up. It is a nice property for hunting even with the interstate noise. I would like to add it to our holdings even though it’s 10 miles from our other farm. It will require a lot of work to get the pastures back into any sort of production pretty brushy. I also prefer seclusion for hunting but tough to not at least try and pick this place up. I told my wife I need my hobo pants and shirt for tomorrow’s auction. I like to keep folks guessing.
Pick your number and don’t go over it. I’ve walked away pissed that I didn’t go higher, but it was short lived.
Good call on that one. Same thing I do on knives I buy on eBay I know my number and bid in the last 3sec I either win or loose but I don’t go over my number.