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lack of diversity is putting banana crops in danger


5 year old buck +
I thought this was an interesting article. It's kind of a tangent to the main discussion here, but when I read it I was thinking how I never though of all bananas being the same variety in the stores versus apples that have many different varieties in the store.
the banana we eat now is here because of the last one falling to a blight I think it was? sure was a better tasting banana back in the day.
the banana we eat now is here because of the last one falling to a blight I think it was? sure was a better tasting banana back in the day.
Yup the article goes into that...The old banana was attacked by a fungus. ..The new banana variety (what we have now) was chosen because it was not affected by the fungus...not taste or how good it ripened etc.

Now there is a new variety of the fungus and the trees are in danger.
Bunker is a breath of fresh air in a regimented, corporatized world. Someone who doesn't do what he does for gazillions of profit - ........ but because it's the right thing to do. He thinks of future generations.
Labels don't bother me, Stu. If I'm a criminal for thinking not everything needs a price tag attached to it - I'm a criminal.

It always amuses me when outdoorsmen / hunters / fishermen call someone a " tree hugger " or " greenie ", because without a clean environment and the mindset to perpetuate it for future generations, what do we think will happen to our much-loved outdoors and those sports ?? What do we label all the good folks on this forum who plant hard & soft mast trees, evergreens, shrubs, native grasses, or log in a planned way to assure future forests ........... some negative term ??? FTR - I didn't think you were calling me out or labeling me !!! I think what Bunker is doing is a pretty cool thing.
^^^^^^^Isn't globalization great ???????????? Gypsy moths, lantern flies, emerald ash borers, thrips, adelgids ............ These are only a few of the insect pests ( let alone diseases ) that have come from China and other foreign countries .............. because some folks have to make lots more money - faster - and because budgets were cut at the federal agencies that are supposed to inspect and monitor for pathogens in shipping containers, products, and food items. ***** " We need to de-fund these agencies, get rid of the bureaucrats and de-regulate so business can prosper " ******

That sound-byte sounds great until the cows come home to roost. Then the real cost of fixing the f-ups becomes apparent and some things may not be able to be un-done. Man ........... the smartest animal.
......left out fireants

mine flourish in east texas

......left out fireants

mine flourish in east texas


I can't get into the garden right now because of the dang ants. I'm leaving green beans to whither on the vine because they're so bad.

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Ikeman - Are they fire ants that are eating your green beans ?? ^^^^^ Or are the ants preventing you from getting to the beans ??
They love to make homes at the base of baby trees

I really hate these guys......

Ikeman - Are they fire ants that are eating your green beans ?? ^^^^^ Or are the ants preventing you from getting to the beans ??

Preventing me from getting there. I added a lot of compost this year, and left the garden mulched with leaves. The plants LOVED it and exploded with growth like I've never seen, but the fire ants loved all that moisture and organic matter too.....

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