Just have to share this w/ you guys.....


5 year old buck +
I haven't been on here much this week, been getting hounded by the press and I am exhausted! I was blessed to have been put in the right place at the right time. I can't tell you what a rush this was!

Now from an apple standpoint, I made the press come to my orchard for pics and interviews. ;)

Proud to know people who will get involved.

George, The world is a better place with people like you! Thanks for making a difference!!!
Good for you George. I'm sure that was a rush!!!
Way to go George! Thanks for getting involved and making a difference.
Thanks for sharing. Considering how much you have helped us, I am not at all surprised by what you did!
Good to know that somebody will still jump in to help a person in need, good job.
Great job!
Nice job! Lots of people would have been scared to do anything other than to dial 911.
Fantastic George, may God bless you!

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Well done!
Well done Ralph. That can be a traumatic situation for all involved. Besides your skill and knowledge, sounds like you possess a courage and boldness to act.
Nice job! Lots of people would have been scared to do anything other than to dial 911.
You are not kidding Turkey

Way to go George that's awesome. Now you need to get a follow up story around harvest time lol
Way to go George
Job well done George.
BIG remote handshake, George - and a pat on the back !! Great job !! Knowing CPR is a good thing for anyone to learn, and you knew how. What a cool feeling to know you saved a guy's life !! Right time - right place - right man for the job !! Congrats !!!!!!!!!:) :)
Thanks guys! It was/is quite an experience. I had a lot of rescue training when I was younger, and even taught scuba rescue, so I guess I didn't forget too much.

I talked to his son this morning, we are going to meet after church tomorrow. It will be good to see him and get that picture of him last week out of my mind. His mouth wide open, dry tongue and lifeless eyes....

Ok, back to apples..... I've got 50 more trees to prune, will get that done tomorrow. DSCN2983.JPG
Great work George!

Early onset of CPR is the most important step in a save with a cardiac arrest! Lots of interesting changes with CPR these days. I encourage everyone to get AHA BLS certified. It saves lives everyday
Great work George!

Early onset of CPR is the most important step in a save with a cardiac arrest! Lots of interesting changes with CPR these days. I encourage everyone to get AHA BLS certified. It saves lives everyday
Thanks Jordan. This was a good wake up call for my wife and I to go get a refresher! Also basic first aid courses given by your local EMS is a great course to take.
Great job George!!!! I love to hear stories like this. Thanks for sharing it with us.