Is this ragweed?


A good 3 year old buck
I have quite a bit of this growing in a strip of clover in one of my food plots. Is is ragweed? Also any use for it at all (deer browse) or should I get rid of it? It looks like maybe a few stalks have been chewed on, but not much. Thanks in advance!


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Sure is ragweed. Do your deer eat it? Here's what's left of a typical looking ragweed in one of my plots. They love it here.
That is mostly cowpeas and eaten sunflowers in the backround. You can see that they like the ragweed more than the cowpeas.

Here's another one. Can't find a plant that hasn't been completely eaten.

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Definitely ragweed

East texas deer love it and nip the heads until it grows out of their reach

Ragweed and greenbriar(smilax species) are favorites here

Thanks for the input, I did notice a some of it has been chewed on. Was planning on cutting it out but I believe I will leave it now.
Not just deer....Quail and dove love the seed.
Not just deer....Quail and dove love the seed.

I have had a good field of it for a few years now. Usually about 3 acres. I leave it be just for the quail.
I looks different than my giant ragweed,must be different kinds
There is common ragweed and giant ragweed. The first pics are common ragweed. Giant ragweed and waterhemp are hell on earth.

what he said

What you show is common ragweed. I have it and the critters love it. Giant ragweed can be a different story even though I see deer browse it when it's young as well.....right next to a large green field of soybeans no less. Common ragweed can get big as well and still shade out other plants. Should be able to control with mowing.
Another tid bit on common ragweed according to the book "Weeds of the Northeast"...
The fruit (aka seeds??) can survive (remain viable??) in field soil for as long as 80 years.
So yes, mowing can help reduce new seeds, but there aren't many of us that can know what the 80 year seed bank is in our soil.

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Wouldn't it be interesting to dig up about a square foot of soil from a plot, maybe four inches deep, then spread that out on a large tray of clean builders sand to see what germinates?
Thanks for the replies everyone, I was pretty certain it was ragweed. I checked again today and really didn't notice much browse on it. I have a good amount of chicory planted around it and haven't noticed much browse there either. I think the deer are all over the nearby corn and bean fields right now.