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Is this a wounded deer or something else???


5 year old buck +
Going through my trail cam pictures the other day I noticed this spot on the side of a deer. Never seen anything like this before in 10s of thousands of images. It will be this weekend before I can pull the hi-res image for closer inspection, but wonder if you guys think this is a latent wound from hunting season, or something else I should be worried about?

Deer Wound.jpg
My guess is a broad head graze
My guess is a broad head graze
Forgot to mention that archery (all seasons) closed January 17th. But it is Kentucky, so.....
belly in a little pocket infront of a hind leg. Doubt a archery graze. Wierd loss of hair. The reddish skin means its irritating him somehow. Guy looks healthy, no skin n bones. Maybe some rut season curb rash. But, looks more recent maybe.
Definitely not from a broadhead,I have a couple just like that are healed up.I am betting either dogs or coyotes as it looks more than a rash
My guess car vehicle rash ,, deer will recover fully they sure are tough
Well whatever it was it has either healed, the deer died, or moved on to a new area. Have not seen another picture of it since.