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Is this a form of CAR


5 year old buck +
Found these yellow leaf spots with little spikey fuzz on the underside of the leaf at the spot. Google search seemed to say it was a form of car, but couldn't find much info. Anybody have this? This has been a trying year for the fruit trees. IMG_1199.JPGIMG_1201.JPG
sure looks like it to me..........
I am not sure what it is but I don't think it is CAR, at least in a form I have ever seen. Cedar Apple RUST. Is like most wheat fungal rust in that it forms small redish/brown surface lessons.
Yes that is CAR. Coloration can vary a bit, but the structures hanging from the bottom of the leaf are what releases the spores back into the environment to re infect the cedars
The tubular growths on the bottom of the leaf are typical of rust. Not sure if it is cedar apple rust or one of the other cedar rusts.
Good to know
Ya learn something new everyday. I did not know to look for those structures hanging from beneath the leaves. Thanks guys.
My hard hit trees don't have those things on the bottom of the leaves. This enterprise only has a few spots, they look different then the other car spots I have on other trees, but the enterprise has the things under the spot
It is definitely a type of rust. I guess I dont know of any rust on apples other than CAR. I have never had CAR on my Enterprise apples though. makes me wonder if you really have Enterprise or something else.
There are 4 or 5 types of rust. I found a great extension document a few weeks ago but did not save or bookmark. It showed examples of how the different rust types affect leaves and fruit of apple, hawthorn, and serviceberry. Cannot find that pdf now.
It is definitely a type of rust. I guess I dont know of any rust on apples other than CAR. I have never had CAR on my Enterprise apples though. makes me wonder if you really have Enterprise or something else.

It's definitely enterprise, came from ACN and has the enterprise growth look. Been in the ground 2 years. The tree is actually pretty clean overall, it just has a few of these spots. My goldrush trees nearby are covered really bad with the typical car spots you see. These were different on the enterprise and weren't many of them.