Is it time to Frost Seed Clover in Central Wisconsin Yet

Joe Buck

5 year old buck +
Happy Close to spring everyone. I was curious if it is time to start Frost seeding Clover seed yet. I was thinking of doing it this weekend in Adams County Wisconsin. I need to do some brush trimming on trails etc, and thought I might also do some seeding. Just curious on what everyone's thoughts are on this plan to plant clover seed.
Thank you for insight:)
I'll be frost seeding this weekend.
I would say yes. I am just a tad south of you but will also be frost seeding this weekend. If your temps are freezing at night and thawing during the day it is time. We are looking at mid 20's overnight and 40's during the day next week, just about perfect.
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I did a little frost seeding down here last Friday...should be good for you up there. Supposed to start getting nice here the end of this week.
Yes, season has been open for 30 days now ... just make sure you frost seed before the frost is out of the the ground ... :emoji_wink:
What type of clover is everyone frost seeding?
I still have over 2 feet of snow on the ground. I best wait a few weeks yet.
I am putting down Antler King Trophy Clover mix. It seemed to work well last year in the fall, so I am going to give it another shot this spring. If it does not fill in the thin spots, there is always fall. Thanks for the advice Tree Spud:)
Still 18" of frost here yesterday when excavation on a sunny spot. You better hurry cuz I'm doing my Raindance. I'm ready for my season to start
Still 18" of snow at my place in Northern MN. I'm going to frost seed some medium red and others in a mix into last years WR, as well as dump Lime, P and K, maybe a little slow release N. But, I guess I have at least a week or two before the snow melts enough to make it manageable. I have a LOT of soil amendments to do. Half now, half in August.

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Med red clover for me too.
I have had luck with red clover frost seeding, myself.

I generally will fill in a ladino clover plot with more ladino clover seed after the frost is out of the ground. It’s a smaller kill plot, so I rake up any debris so I can expose the bare soil. Then broadcast, that does well too but it’s not frost seeding.

Sometimes I think I get myself jacked up to do frost seeding because I’m tired of winter and it’s the first real action for food plotting that makes me think it’ll make a difference in harvesting a buck. Does it really... eh.. probably not... but it might
Will winter peas or wheat frost seed ok? My wheat and rye broadcast in the fall did nor germinate and I'm looking to get stuff growing asap. Then throw and mow into it with warm season stuff in June.
Perfect week to frost seed in central WI!

Peas won't catch in a frost seed. Wheat may, but plant spring wheat not winter wheat. Success will be highly variable on wheat depending on conditions (prior season weeds, moisture, amount of freeze/thaw, etc). Too much wetness and the wheat seeding is subject to fungus and will fail. Also, if you planted rye and wheat last fall, and it did not flood, it's likely it will come up this spring, especially the rye. It happens sometimes that it does germinate and gets eaten off very early and you never knew it was there.
I am near Wausau and still have enough snow on ground. I will probably wait least one more week.
I am near Wausau and still have enough snow on ground. I will probably wait least one more week.

Same here. Hopefully all the snow will be gone soon.
Ditto here. A friend walked my plot the other day and said, "Two feet. Maybe a week or two." On the bright side, he plowed my driveway. Unsolicited favors like this make me smile.
Got my frost seeding done this morning.

What a beautiful day. Mid 20's this morning and upper 40's now.
Got a few plots frost seeded this past Wednesday. Some still were too wet and had enough snow still.

Now got 3-5" of snow on its way.... Got one plot limed today though.