Important topic : getting guests to help.


5 year old buck +
I started a thread regarding the frequency at which we visit our farm. Many seem rushed, short on time and help. I have four guys that hunt at my farms regularly - by that I mean each fall. Two are excellent at helping. Two will do something if pushed to do something. I really think those two are taking advantage of the invitation. All good guys. How do you make sure everyone contributes to the workload?

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Tell them you have another "good guy" who is an excellent habitat manager that has offered to come and bust his butt helping with projects on your farm as long as you promise that he and you are the only ones who have exclusive rights to hunt your farm!;) Let them know you are considering it because all the habitat work is too much to handle without extra help. If that don't light a fire, maybe nothing will and they do need to go.
I wish I knew! I have 2 brothers, we own equal part of the farm. They own it and it's a battle getting help.

Usually with guests I invite they pretty much have to earn it. I don't have the same people there all the time and to be honest there aren't enough weekends to get everyone that wants to come up on the schedule. If I have guys that ask to help in spring or summer they make the top of the list. If I have guys up that don't even ask to help, that pretty much puts them on the bottom of the list.

It's a tough situation for sure.
I guess this is where small acreage is an advantage. "Sorry guys there just isn't enough room for multiple hunters"
I really like Whips suggestion.
I guess this is where small acreage is an advantage. "Sorry guys there just isn't enough room for multiple hunters"

Lot of truth to that!

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set up work weekends well in advance. No surprises, they either will value the hunt opp. or send them packing.

That is what I think would work best. My problem is I literally do not know what state I will be in from day to day so it is nearly impossible for me to set a firm date. I have more than enough free time, but knowing when it will be is tough.

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Its been pretty easy for dad and I do everything and we are the only two in the family that no issues there!

Seriously though, I have offered to bring multiple friends to the property to help plant plots, plant/trim/spray trees, hang stands, takers yet. Guess who hunts during season, just my dad and I!

Until they hunting! Well, my father in law hunts during Christmas but I would feel bad making his drive 12 hrs just to hang a stand and plant a 1/2 ac plot! Haa!
set up work weekends well in advance. No surprises, they either will value the hunt opp. or send them packing.

I agree ... no tickee, no laundry. ;)

Guys who always can schedule time to hunt, but never time to help with the work are pretty much taking advantage of the situation.
For years I did absolutely everything myself because basically there are very few people in this world I like working with, depending on or who I would trust being on the place unsupervised. Also I found unless someone is experienced and capable with tools and equipment I spent more time teaching them what they needed to do than I saved by not doing it myself. Two years ago I had no choice but to get help planting winter plots because I could not ride the tractor or lift due to surgery and I got kinda fond of being in management. I also really realized how much I could get accomplished as an absentee owner with a competent local hunting buddy.Since then I have really tried to utilize my main hunting buddy and have spent the time getting him where he can do a lot of the stuff that needs doing.He loves all of it and will be there when needed.Its a great deal for both or us. The only other guy I let hunt is a friend of his. He is in the thick of family, work and church stuff and his time is limited. However, he is a mechanic so that is big bonus points.
I have a friend that I go help at his place as much as possible. He cracks me up every time I come over, he always says "I'll get extra coffee and doughnuts and I hope there is parking left when you get here, you know how it is everyone wants to come and help, they just never seem to want to come and hunt"

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Probably the wrong attitude but I stopped worrying about it after last season. I was literally ready to boot everyone and hunt alone after getting zero help and plenty of would be guests.

My brother helped once this spring setting up stands and clearing shooting lanes. I'm to the point where I'm not going gung-ho and busting my butt from sun up to sun down anymore. It was taking the fun out it for me. Also after spending nearly a month straight with guys in camp last fall I've come to realize I like the solitude of being there alone most of the year.

If someone is at my place it's because I want them there to have a chance at something they otherwise wouldn't. Not to help me with my affliction.

Since I've owned the place there is only one guy that won't be back. Guess he shouldn't have tried to justify to me why he voted for O twice......

We are very similar. I really enjoy being there alone most of the time. It is really the only place I can relax (even if working my butt off). This year is the first year I have not tried to push myself too much. I have only one guest who was not invited back. I will say my folks will help with stands, but I think that is only because they want to know where they are. I will say there is going to be a new rule this year. There will be a list of 10-15 stands that NO one hunts other than the guy who pays the taxes on the place, buys all the equipment, buys all the seed, wrote the check at everyone of the closings (and there have been many), paid for the house to be built, paid for the buildings, etc. Want to guess what name that guy goes by on this forum :).

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Dad, brother, and I is it for hunting so don't have the issues others seem to. Actually have a few friends that don't care a thing about hunting but really enjoy just being outdoors...they look at having an opportunity to help out with everything from planting to TSI as a blessing. As a farm operator, it's real benefit as there's always more work to get done than hours in a day.
Oh and my brother didn't help much this year because he had a heart attack earlier in the summer. Actually 2 but one was after he was in the hospitals l so tell him that one doesn't count as much.

Just goes to show how far some guys will go to get out planting seedlings and such.
I have dropped multiple hints to my two buddies that stands need to be hung. I don't really want any help with habitat stuff but hanging stands I need help. I have a good feeling about my new property. Lots of sign with all the work that has been done and the plots aren't even growing yet. They will not be invited to hunt there if they don't help hang stands. I don't want them wandering all around with climbers on their back. I set up a plan with designated stand sites for a reason. They don't understand any of that but they might get the hint when they are hunting the deer waste land around my camp.
Funny story, I had some trouble getting help from a few friends that wanted to hunt on ground I just had permission. I hung a few stands with the bottom steps spread pretty far apart. I have long legs and could climb easily they tried to hunt the stands and spent the night on the ground under the stand. After hunting they complained about how far apart the steps were I mentioned if they would have been there to help we could have made sure the steps were close enough together. No more complaints and they help hang stands now.

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At first I had guys helping like crazy, just like all of you. I bought the land and pay for everything, just needed help and it will be a lot of fun. Then after 5 years its down to 2 of us doing all the work and the other guys just showing up to hunt.

I told them all last year at the shack, You get one day to hunt for every day you work at one of the farms from now on!

Looks like it will be just 2 of us this year so far!
I wish I had a good answer. Just a little help with rock picking and stand hanging would go a long way. People are always too busy on work days.
Our farm is organized as an LLC. Each investor agreed to the terms up front. I knew when I got in that labor would not be evenly divided between investors. Each LLC member is limited to 2 guests without unanimous consent from the other members. We each decided how we want to use our guest privileges. I use my guest privileges for introducing new folks to hunting. For that, I don't require work, but I do offer it. For my experienced hunting friends that I invite, I don't have to ask for work. They are all well seasoned guys who offer to work before I ask.

