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I have no experience identifying mushrooms but curiousity has been building. Took this pic back in 2010. Edible or Not?? If edible, suggestions on preparation?

I'm not an expert, but I like to pretend I can hang with the best of them. Here are a few tips to help solve a mico mystery:

*Take a few different pics; top and bottom
*Note where you found it; on a tree, rotted log, free standing on the ground, high/low ground
*Note when you found it; spring/summer/fall
I'm not an expert, but I like to pretend I can hang with the best of them. Here are a few tips to help solve a mico mystery:

*Take a few different pics; top and bottom
*Note where you found it; on a tree, rotted log, free standing on the ground, high/low ground
*Note when you found it; spring/summer/fall

Thanks will do in the future. I'm sure I will run into a couple different varieties this year.
From the picture it looks to be a honey mushroom but hard to tell without seeing the bottom and stem. They are usually found clustered at the bases of trees or stumps, especially oaks, and over buried wood.

If it is a honey mushroom they are good eating when young and fresh but can cause stomach upset in some individuals. The 1st time you eat it try only a small amount and make sure it is thoroughly cooked
From the picture it looks to be a honey mushroom but hard to tell without seeing the bottom and stem. They are usually found clustered at the bases of trees or stumps, especially oaks, and over buried wood.

If it is a honey mushroom they are good eating when young and fresh but can cause stomach upset in some individuals. The 1st time you eat it try only a small amount and make sure it is thoroughly cooked
