I paid off my property


5 year old buck +
Well guys, I made it. Last payment was Monday, after 13-1/2 years. I made a video about it, if you have 12 minutes and you're REALLY bored, you can give it a watch.

Congrats, great feeling!

I was hoping the swearing while on the tractor was going somewhere :)
Congrats, great feeling!

I was hoping the swearing while on the tractor was going somewhere :)

Oh, it did.

Congrats on getting to the end!

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Congrats! That has to be a great feeling.
Heck yeah! Smashed it in 13 yrs! Impressive! Congrats! Onto the next one;)
Congrats ... so many people fail financially because they stretch out financing to reduce their monthly payment amount. The average car loan is 69.3 months, that's almost 6 years. Homes are purchased beyond means, credit cards maxed out. They end up with a dept to equity ratio at some point which is unmanageable.

Our goal when buying real estate has been to only finance what we can pay off in a 15 year note. My wife and I both just bought new vehicles in the past 2 weeks, paid cash for both. Our old vehicles were 8 & 11 years old.

By paying off the mortgage in 13.5 years you have accomplished something very important. Eliminating debt & building wealth/equity is a great accomplishment ... :emoji_thumbsup:
Congrats, Any time previous debts r paid in full is a great feeling.

I am just starting the search for another piece of ground.
Congrats. That's big!
Well... hell yes!


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Congratulations I know how you feel we made our last payment on our house last fall. Congratulations again !
Congratulations Tractorman! And nice Cub!!!!
Congratulations Tractorman!
Best feeling in the world is when one pays off a loan. Congrats to you.
What an accomplishment! Congrats!
Thanks so much everyone. Tomorrow I'll be planting the first seeds as the clear owner, putting in some fall oats and turnips. Hoping for rain Tuesday!
Good job,Start saving,you never know when a piece that attaches or close by will come up.thats what happened to me a couple years ago with the 80 next door came up and fortunately I had tried to prepare