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hybrid poplar

UP Powers

5 year old buck +
very wet conditions in the UP right now. Even though my hybrids are in full leaf, can you even plant them now? Meaning if I take cuttings what will my success rate be putting them in the ground? Has anyone ever tried it?? My experiment of planting the 10ft cuttings didn't go well, I think the voles or rabbits girdled them. Plus I don't think the hybrid poplars like having wet feet.
Everything I have read or heard says the cutting should be planted while dormant. But if I was going to experiment with using awake cuttings it would be willow or HB poplar. Both seem to be pretty resilient.
i did fall last year and it didn't work. I might take a few and put some rooting hormone on it, slap a tube on it and try it. Someone said they won't work dry either. Well the ones I found after they sat out for two weeks are over 20 feet tall now!
I've tried it all. The only RELIABLE way is to plant them dormant in the spring.

I've had VERY poor results fall planting, I know others have had success, I have not.

Willows you can plant while actively growing and they will root.

But as long as you are using your own trees, go for it. Maybe it will work.

I've tried it all. The only RELIABLE way is to plant them dormant in the spring.

I've had VERY poor results fall planting, I know others have had success, I have not.

Willows you can plant while actively growing and they will root.

But as long as you are using your own trees, go for it. Maybe it will work.

I need to try some willows again in my future swamp crossing-if it dries out a bit.
IME, poplars like moist soil but not waterlogged. You're not out much trying them now...lifetime supply of free cuttings from your own trees :)

Let the record state your honor.. that these trees are still considered "his" trees. :) Still amazing to think about it!! I am going to take a few snips and try it. I will say the bigger ones I planted it's weird that something girdled them!

I will try the willows, for whatever reason the ones I planted last year didn't grow squat. Maybe 4 ft?? I know few of them got snipped out the top by deer , but I have them in 5 foot tubes now.