Huge grass identification please


Yearling... With promise
IMG_1920.JPG IMG_1921.JPG IMG_1922.JPG I found this stand of grass while out walking the property today. It's 8-10 feet high and super thick. This is the only stand of it that I found and I was thinking that it would make a great screen. Does anyone know what it is? Please and thank you.
Looks like phrafmites. I wouldn't encourage it if it is.

Look into miscanthus giganthus grass if you want good grass screens. Not invasive and easy to kill if you ever want to.
That is phragmites, I sprayed some I found at my place this weekend. Get it before it spreads.
Just a heads up- miscanthus may not be invasive everywhere, but it sure is in Tennessee.

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Just a heads up- miscanthus may not be invasive everywhere, but it sure is in Tennessee.

Several varieties of miscanthus. The Giganthus breed was developed to produce a sterile seed head for use in the biofuel industry. The only way to reproduce it is via a rhizome or live stake cuttings. I've tried growing it from the seed both stratified and Not stratified. No dice, it won't grow..

Also, I've had some plants for over 8 years with no escapees from the those original plants. It's safe.
Call me the black sheep, but I enjoy having phragmitis on our property.

Always good for holding a pheasant or two come late season.
Call me the black sheep, but I enjoy having phragmitis on our property.

Always good for holding a pheasant or two come late season.

I know others have battled with phragmites, but I would trade my reed canary grass for it any day. RCG flattens out after the 1st snow and chokes out anything trying to grow through it. I hate the stuff.

Call me the black sheep, but I enjoy having phragmitis on our property.

Always good for holding a pheasant or two come late season.
I know others have battled with phragmites, but I would trade my reed canary grass for it any day. RCG flattens out after the 1st snow and chokes out anything trying to grow through it. I hate the stuff.


Yea, I don't get real upset about MFR anymore. The deer seem to like it and Rose Rosetta is killing some of it.