How today started


Yearling... With promise
Went to check on the pool and with all the rain we have had it took out my pump gauge, ordered a new one on Northern - oil filled. So yard work time. Hitch on tractor broke. Go to weld it, batteries dead on welding helmet, find out the batteries are soldered in place on the board (tractor supply metal man) Borrowed neighbors helmet, now I ran out of welding wire. (Insert cuss words here)
Can anything go easy/smoothly?
Finally got it done.


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Went to check on the pool and with all the rain we have had it took out my pump gauge, ordered a new one on Northern - oil filled. So yard work time. Hitch on tractor broke. Go to weld it, batteries dead on welding helmet, find out the batteries are soldered in place on the board (tractor supply metal man) Borrowed neighbors helmet, now I ran out of welding wire. (Insert cuss words here)
Can anything go easy/smoothly?
Finally got it done.

Just another day at my place. As I age I plan extra time on my to do list just fix $hit I know I need that will be broke or break. Murphy!
...flat tire on atv...had a lot of extra walking.
I was burning trash today and was out without a shirt on and was tossing the last batch of stuff on it and something inside the fire exploded (like an aerosol can) and blew bits of hot molten plastic all over me! Felt like 20 bee stings all at once. No serious damage but it wasn't pleasant....then I was pissed! My kids and wife know the burn trash doesn't get that stuff in it. Let's just say that whoever did it - will think twice next time!

Some days it feels like you just shouldn't have gotten out of bed! I had a good day overall however.
J-bird, boy do I feel your pain... LITERALLY! As if not trying enough having in-laws visiting, that kind of takes the ability to preach too much away... last few weeks I narrowly avoided getting killed by a supersonic flying whipped cream can and a subsequent mystery object that actually connected when burning the very next set of "paper" trash. Ain't right a USMC jarhead having his obituary speak to getting killed by whipped cream! :emoji_wink:

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I am learning that the only easy day at my farm was yesterday ... I have 4 portable tool kits, 4 jacks, 6 ice packs in the freezer, and 5 first aid kits with trauma packs with super glue (I am not a surgeon) in them for a reason ...
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trauma packs with super glue (I am not a surgeon) in them for a reason ...

My son is still skeeved about the time I darn near sliced the tip of my finger off with a razor knife, washed it out and super glued it shut. Best thing going IMO.