How long to wait on Forester


5 year old buck +
For those of you that have logged your properties, how long did it take for your forester to get things rolling?

I'm scheduled for my MFL cut this winter and the forester is yet to mark trees or do anything. Starting to wonder if its time to find a new guy or is there is something I am missing? Every time I call him he tells me he is waiting for a property down the road to call him back so he can do both at the same time but that has been going on for about 8 months.
no experience in this subject but unless it's a clear cut I'd venture to say that if it hasn't been marked by now it's not getting cut this winter
I know this is their busy time. The guy I talked to says he puts his jobs out to bid around now and another in 6 months. Everyone wants to wait for the end of hunting season and winter to log. That being said if the guy doesn't want to do anything, find someone who does.
I had the same problem about 7 years ago. I hired a forester for mfl. The 3 year deadline was up on the first of the year where they hike the tax rate up. The forester I hired promised me he would have it all done before the first of the year. I called three times to find out why nothing was done, he hadn't even been out to the property in 8 months after hiring him. Well in December I called him to see if it was done and he said he was to busy and it would not be done by the deadline. I had put $500 down with him and the A-hole only would gave me half of it back because he said he did some work(I really doubt he did a thing). I would get rid of him seems like a poor excuse, it shouldn't make a difference he could mark yours first and then do the neighbors. I have a really really hard time trying to get anybody to do any work up by me no matter who or what they do, except the guy that pumps out my porta potty, that guy is awesome I wish he had some more business to fill the huge void.
Is it possible to bypass the forester and just have the logger mark it for approval by the DNR before they cut it?
Is it possible to bypass the forester and just have the logger mark it for approval by the DNR before they cut it?
No I don't think you can or would want a logger to do what he wants. I have a good forester but it took two years to get my cut done. If your forester is working with good loggers the loggers pick and choose the foresters projects. Less mills means less places for loggers to take their wood. I read a article this summer that if your scheduled for a Mfl cut it can take up to three years to get it done . Hang in there if you get desperate you may regret the decision from a crappy logger.
Not to worried about the logger. I have two uncles and a good family friend that are all loggers. Wouldn't be hard to find someone that I trust to take care of the cutting and if one of the three did it, could get them to put in my access roads and clear spot for additional food plots. Biggest concern is getting it done in the first 5 years of my MFL plan so I don't have to worry about paying the tax on the sale of the timber.
Not to worried about the logger. I have two uncles and a good family friend that are all loggers. Wouldn't be hard to find someone that I trust to take care of the cutting and if one of the three did it, could get them to put in my access roads and clear spot for additional food plots. Biggest concern is getting it done in the first 5 years of my MFL plan so I don't have to worry about paying the tax on the sale of the timber.
The problem I see in the future is if Walker releases a bunch of the state land up north for logging all the loggers are going for the gold rush and screw the small MFL properties.