Hinge cut barricade a year later...

Slam dunk!
That was no easy task but I bet it pays off...
That was no easy task but I bet it pays off...

Thanks. It paid off last year with my first P&Y which was so cool.

I have a few areas that aren't as tight and am thinking of hinging them this winter. The positive results have been so dramatic it is almost unbelievable.

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Things are living, growing and providing browse and cover.

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Gotta love it when they heal over like that. Those will live a long time.
Steve B describes "sidewalks" in his management book. Has anyone built sidewalks for travel and if so, do you like them yes or no and why.

I have been thinking about building some this late winter/early spring to assist in defining travel routes within the property and adding additional barricade to my western and northwestern sides.

I also have a bachelor group of 1.5 year old bucks living or spending a lot of time on the property. I did not have that this time last year. I am assuming these fellas are last years nubbin bucks that were with the doe family group that visited my plots every day and lived on the center 10 acres. I am excited to see if I see them regularly now from the stand this fall, as last year my buck sightings were low but I was successful in harvesting my target buck. Anyone have experience with this as they have improved there properties?

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I have done so to connect food sources in defined routes of travel

In so far as possible , I try to follow existing game trails

Jim Brauker describes similar concepts in creating transition zone hinge cutting in his book

My animals seem to use them and definitely browse fresh growth

I sat two nights ago at one of my observations stands for a north wind. I had 4 does and 4 fawns pile out of one of my bedding areas. Not a buck in sight.

The neighbors stuck a bunch more $ into there properties with food plots this year, and it sure is great to have the good bedding on my side. Desperately awaiting for the seeking/chasing to begin.

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