Heritage oak

Black Swamp

5 year old buck +


Who has them and are they a good oak to plant? These oaks already have acorns on them. I believe they are a cross between a English oak and burr oak

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I tried one with no luck in MN, but that was just one, and your situation in Ohio might be way better
This is the first I have heard of them. Do keep in mind that being in a nursery setting they live a nearly ideal life. So if you purchase some and plant them they may require several years of additional growth to produce acorns again. If they are the cross you say they should be very good trees - just remember that "fast" growing trees tend to lack strength. So you have to trade one aspect of another. They may grow fast and produce for you at an earlier age.......but they may be susceptible to wind damage and the like as well. If you get some - remember to keep us informer as to how they do for you.
I planted 25 of these guys a few years ago from Oikos. I've struggled with weed control so my growth has been less then ideal, but I have 1 or 2 out of 25 that seem to be doing ok. My native wild white oaks seem to grow faster =0 alot of these nurseries are boutique and come up with fancy names to push product.

These are where I got mine