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Help with my Apple trees


Yearling... With promise
I know these aren’t the best pictures but wondering what I can do to help these apple trees out. This is their third year. I think this is a Galarina. I have fertilized in the spring with 10-10-10 and kept much around the base. They are also fenced. They just don’t have the growth I was hoping for.


How much sunshine do they get in a day?
Looks like it's past time for a fungicide/insecticide spray program
Did they get enough water? I had a few like that because of too little water in early summer.
It could be an early water problem as you questioned Telemark. Looking at the new growth of six inches or so is that a sign of no disease?
That growth does not look unreasonable to me. I have some trees that get full sun, and they get similar growth. You know the old saying "a watched pot never boils"? Trees can be the same way, but have faith, all of a sudden they will probably take off when you're not looking! The proximity of those trees in the background is a bit concerning though. I hope they are to the north of your apple trees. If not, hours of sunlight may slow them down a bit.
What rootstock are they on?
Varieties differ greatly in growth and soils and rootstock , here honeycrisp runts out on dwarf rootstock grafted to a semi dwarf and treated like a dwarf they are great we have fairly coarse soils , not unusual to see 18 inches growth on some and 6 inches on others treated the same
Tips of your leaves look like fertilizer burn , when did you apply and how close to the trunk , early spring is best for any nitrogen and never apply fertility after july 1 will stimulate too much growth to late in the year and you risk winter injury
There's plenty of new growth. There's also plenty of insect damage and probably apple scab
Look like poor soil conditions and lack of sun to me. Also should probably spray. My guess is your soil is not good
Try giving each tree a big pile of active compost.
Thanks everyone. They get plenty of sun. Probably poor soil quality like some have mentioned. What can I do to improve that??
Thanks everyone. They get plenty of sun. Probably poor soil quality like some have mentioned. What can I do to improve that??

Try giving each tree a big pile of active compost.

I use Berkeley compost, and it works great for just about everything. It only takes a couple weeks to make, and you can do a lot with it.