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Help on modified throw and mow seeding rate


Yearling... With promise
Killed my food plots 2 weeks ago and will be planting in front of the next rain. I am planting about 2 acres using a modified throw and mow method (killed all vegetation, broadcast seed, drag with a chain harrow several passes and possibly brush hog if the dead vegetation doesnt lay down enough). The thatch left is fairly thick. Im looking to plant a mix of rape, turnips, and radish, and a little clover. In about a month, i also plan on brodcasting winter rye on top. Any input on what my seed rates should be for the brassica mix? I was thinking of 12 lbs in total, but this morning, i got worried that that wouldnt be enough.
6 lbs per acre might be a bit shy for a straight brassica plot. Paul Knox recommended around 10 lbs per acre in the straight brassica portion of his "LC mix".

In case you haven't already, read this, you can't really go wrong if you follow it and you can even deviate a bit and still have great success.
Thanks. I've planted the LC Mix before and had good success. I guess I'm more wondering if 10lbs per acre had worked with some tillage in the past, what should be my rate throwing into existing thick thatch where the germination rate is not going to be as good.
With smaller seeds like brassicas, you most likely won't take as big a hit on the germnation rate via T-n-M as you might think. Larger seeds, yes, upping the rate a bit might make a bigger difference. By the time you disturb the thatch via dragging or mowing or both, the vast majority of that small seed will have hit dirt.