Help On Age


5 year old buck +
Wondering peoples' thoughts on the age of this deer? I have a guess, but I'll admit that I struggle in that department.

He'll be a game time decision for me either way. While I'd like to see what he'd look like in another year, not sure he'd make that with some of the neighbors in the area.

Solid 3.5. I'd even go 4.5 but with his neck extended you can't get a feel for true girth.
I agree with Bill.
I would also say 3.5.
In some pictures I have of him I think 2.5 and in others I question 3.5.

Here's a pic of him from the end of July that I found after looking back through the archives.

I definitely think he's older than 2.5 yrs. Legs look solid. A more relaxed fall pic would would help. Nice heavy beams too
I don't know about relaxed as this was snapped right after he tore up a bush behind him, but it's another.


belly doesn't sag too much and neck isn't huge