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hands down, best, what works for you.... Bear Bait

not yet, that is going to be the next trick, any tips? he obviously knows the pile is there, guess it is up to him to come for a moring snack, or early evening. anyone with any tips for that part?
To the fellows who bait bear. Do you find this interferes with deer patterns? I have bear on my land and could hunt them with about 5-7 accumulated points depending on the year. I have never considered this option because I believe it will mess up my deer hunting. I have no evidence to support this idea.
I guess if I really want to bear hunt, I will pay to sit on bait on some other land. Let the guide do the baiting and put you on a stand that overlooks bait. It might take more points to get into some of the better WI counties for bear, but would be well worth it to me. I am guessing that a 5 day baited hunt would run in the $2K area, depending on where one would choose to stay and eat.

I see deer while sitting on my bear baits. If you bait bear in an unobtrusive manner you can still deer hunt. I shot 3 yo 8 pointer 75 yards from my bear bait two weeks ago. The bear and deer live together most of the year. It all depends on the situation but both can be done. You really don’t want to miss out on the bear baiting. People say it’s work, but it is fun and way more of a challenge than non bear hunters think. Bear hunting over bait is far from a sure thing, a lot of variables effect the bears.
out of the first 681 pictures from my trail camera, about 600 contained deer, on the bait, eating the bait, and up to 4 at a time , even with the narrow field of view with a close camera.

strange, but new to this so not sure what to expect.
My observations have been that certain bears have certain tastes. I’ve watched bears dig through a pile of doughnuts to eat every apple mixed in. I like to mix up my bait options too. If it’s the same old thing day in and day out they seem to loose interest eventually. When they slow down cleaning out the bait put less out. If I’m baiting daily, I can keep a lot of interest with 5 gallons of bait. They dont seem to like bait that has been sitting around too long and they will avoid it. Just because they are not hitting a bait doesn’t mean that they are not there. I had one bear this year that I got regular pictures of every week on every part of my property but where the bait was.
out of the first 681 pictures from my trail camera, about 600 contained deer, on the bait, eating the bait, and up to 4 at a time , even with the narrow field of view with a close camera.

strange, but new to this so not sure what to expect.

Is your bait in a barrel or on the ground?
just a pile on the ground for now, should see it under the bear........ picked bird seed as it takes em a long time to lap that up as opposed to larger grains such as corn, dog food........
Mikmaze - N.J. bears are a gift from us over here in Pa. !!! NNOOOO need to thank us.

For lots of pix of bears - small baits that they can't run off with are best. Bird seed, dog food, and a favorite of a camp near ours - leftover sugar & cinnamon from a donut shop. They put sugar & cinnamon in a wooden trough right outside their cabin windows for pictures. Bears would lay right in the trough and lick for hours - big boys had first dibs.
One daytime, and low and behold, a second bear

and, yup, I forgot to re set times on camera....... it was a busy day.


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Bear hunting over bait is far from a sure thing

Ain't that the truth. I ate $250 tag soup in Ontario this summer.
Good thing our bear tag is only two dollars!
Might be the year a world record black bear is harvested in New Jersey, time will tell if someone gets the fat slob o bear

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