Habitat Talk's September 2018 Trail Cam Photo Contest

Moonlit pre midnight snack. Yes the date is a day fast.

Wow some of you guys got great deer. I would probably shit myself and have a heart attack seeing a couple of them up close (not necessarily in that order).
Don't know If I'd shoot him but he is the best I got

Tough one there. If you can live with him disappearing it may be worth it to you. He certainly looks like he has great potential to be a KS monster. Rolling the dice is a difficulty ame to play.....
Ive seen a couple guess at 4.5
Ive seen a couple guess at 4.5

I was going to say 4.5 - 5.5 with 50/50 chance of either. Long face and pretty thick neck for time of year.

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Post 31 has a face only a mother could love....
Post #30 - Looks like they hate your brassicas, huh ?? :emoji_astonished:
Post #30 - Looks like they hate your brassicas, huh ?? :emoji_astonished:

Yes they do, I plant a mix of 2 varieties of rape seed, 3 varieties of turnips, hybrid brassica and a forage radish. they usually turn out better. bad year with rain and weeds.

that is a beautiful plot!!!
Gazelle ?
Oh 4 pics don't count so this isn't in the contest. :)


Nope bad lighting. If I didn't get the last pic I would have thought I had a crazy antlered spike.