Habitat Talk's May Trail Cam Photo Contest

The pic of the white deer is awesome!
Earliest and smallest fawn I've captured on camera to date... still wobbly-legged though it was able to stay with Mom.

052317 Fawn (1024x566).jpg

Capture of the same mom and fawn in an adjoining durano clover patch, with the fawn somewhat camouflaged by the white flowers.

052317 Fawn (2) (1024x566).jpg

Though I have no problem with low deer density, still hard not to will the baby fawn to survive... and not surprisingly right before birthing season I started seeing a few more of these on camera. Can't help but feel conflicted even for the coyotes as I appreciate they have hunting in their DNA just as I do.

050817 Coyote (1024x566).jpg

And finally, found this capture fairly interesting behavior wise... doe spotted a fox running along the treeline (look close at far right of picture and you'll likely see it) and versus running away she high-stepped towards it taking one slow foot-stomp approach at a time until it exited stage left.

051517 Doe & Fox (1024x566).jpg
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I would agree that the fawn is brand new. Great pics BBM!
Foggy pic, but good lucking buck in the making.
Another nice one, but may be the same as above. Looks like he has good mass at the bases.
At the end of the year a 'tournament of champions' should match up the winners of the 12 months to crown a best pic of the year.
Great idea!!!
PICT0167.JPG I am coming mom not so fast please!!!!!
WGI_0175.JPGshould be a nice one
Oops I posted fawn feeding in wrong month. I will add it to the June contest when it starts. Sorry
The whole family's here. And yes these are 100% free ranging deer, Wisconsin has quite a few of them now.

Congrats to gunther89! You are the winner with 19 likes :emoji_thumbsup::emoji_clap::emoji_trophy:. PM your address to me if you wish to claim your prize.

Thanks to everyone for participating.