Guess the age of this WI buck


5 year old buck +
I know who this deer is and know how old he is. What does everyone think his age is.

I'm going 4.5.
Pictures 3 and 4 are deceiving. Based on 1 and 2, I'm going with 6.5.
Too hard to tell, but likely 4.5
The most telling thing to me is the depth in the neck from head to brisket. I guess older than 4.5.
After 4.5 it's grasping at straws to peg the age for me.

4.5 or older.
Well this is a buck we call The General and he is 10.5 years old this year. We've been following him on camera since 2009. I'm not sure if he busted his left side off or if it didn't grow right. We know it's him because of the small part of his right ear missing. Regardless he is a the king of the woods considering how many seasons he has evaded the hunters. I feel truly blessed to have witnessed this buck over the years.






Wow! Great pic series. He sure has declined this past year.:( The 3rd and 4th pics in the first post sure were deceiving. With the pics from 2011 and 2012, I would have guessed the deer in those pics was 5.5.
Great pictures. Pretty cool to have that kind of history with a deer.
Has anybody ever seen him in person?
it's hard to tell once they get over over. nice share!
Has anybody ever seen him in person?

In 2009 I had him at 20 yards during the middle of October but he saw me drawing my bow and took off. In 2013 he was in lock down with a doe and the closet he got was roughly 70 yards. In 2014 my cousin saw him walking across our pasture and that was the same day the above photo was taken. We always see him in winter once season is closed as he beds on our neighbors ridge.
In 2009 I had him at 20 yards during the middle of October but he saw me drawing my bow and took off. In 2013 he was in lock down with a doe and the closet he got was roughly 70 yards. In 2014 my cousin saw him walking across our pasture and that was the same day the above photo was taken. We always see him in winter once season is closed as he beds on our neighbors ridge.

Smart old bugger isn't he.... Been around that long and still safe. Part of me hopes he makes it another season :)

Awesome story. Enjoyed hearing all the history.
Is that his normal left side? Almost looks like it isn't busted. Something happened with that, age won't cause that left side. U know better than I, but all pics look like him, except 2009, where it is more diffecult.
I'm not sure if his left side got damaged in summer or something but we feel that when he was 3, he had some sort of injury to cause his weird right side in 2009. I have more pictures from 2009 and his left side matches up perfectly and his face is the same as well.
I'm guessing his core area is on a property with little-no hunting. He's probably a home body, moving little from the core area. U have any ideas?
I am fairly certain his core area is on our neighbors land where we always see him during winter. This neighbor has a long ridge and deep draw that nobody really hunts. It only makes sense that is where he is living.