GrowingDeer.TV, neonics, and Lundgren

SD -
What do take away from the video and Dr. Lundgren's info?
SD -
What do take away from the video and Dr. Lundgren's info?
I'd never spread a neonic treated seed on my property ever again, not with what we know now. If it can't grow without fufu dust on it, it doesn't belong in my system.
I'd never spread a neonic treated seed on my property ever again, not with what we know now. If it can't grow without fufu dust on it, it doesn't belong in my system.
Local co-op guy looked at me like I had horns when I asked if they had untreated corn.
I've watched every Lundgren video on youtube, and they are all mostly the same, but you pick up a few different slides and points in each one. When he revealed that the neonics have made to the ground water (drinking water) in farm country, I was out. Those things are not being tested for in the water supply. And if they are testing for them, they don't seem to make the water quality reports, like for the city of Des Moines.

Where my town place is located, almost our entire water supply is ag runoff. I run an alexapure filtration system on my counter in hopes that I may pull enough of that shit out that I don't get the cancer de jour for my area before I'm able to bail and head to clean water and clean air country.

I'm not sure if the regulators have caught up with the seed dealers yet, but as of a few years ago, there was no solution to left over treated seed. You cannot landfill it. You used to be able to send it to Mead Nebraska, but then the whole damn city and everyone downstream started getting extremely sick. The last guy I dealt with told me he'd just dig a hole and bury it all on his farm. So keep that in mind if you're ever buying farm land from a place that was once a seed retailer.
I've watched every Lundgren video on youtube, and they are all mostly the same, but you pick up a few different slides and points in each one. When he revealed that the neonics have made to the ground water (drinking water) in farm country, I was out. Those things are not being tested for in the water supply. And if they are testing for them, they don't seem to make the water quality reports, like for the city of Des Moines.

Where my town place is located, almost our entire water supply is ag runoff. I run an alexapure filtration system on my counter in hopes that I may pull enough of that shit out that I don't get the cancer de jour for my area before I'm able to bail and head to clean water and clean air country.

I'm not sure if the regulators have caught up with the seed dealers yet, but as of a few years ago, there was no solution to left over treated seed. You cannot landfill it. You used to be able to send it to Mead Nebraska, but then the whole damn city and everyone downstream started getting extremely sick. The last guy I dealt with told me he'd just dig a hole and bury it all on his farm. So keep that in mind if you're ever buying farm land from a place that was once a seed retailer.
TRUST me on this - I'm NOT trying to pick a fight here. I'm completely at peace! And this isn't aimed at just you, SD!!! I'm just noticing & questioning. Please just consider ........

With this neonic stuff - why are you "buying" the scientific data / findings on this? Some of the guys on here REFUSE to believe any other scientific data from anywhere in the country about a number of problems - but the neonic stuff is "gospel." ( I agree with Lundgren's findings, BTW!!! I don't like it either. ) It seems that many people only get to be "believers" when the problem (whatever it is) is in their back yard and it's biting them in the butt. THEN those people want regulators ( you know - government agencies ) to come in and fix the problem.

My point is this .......... so many complain that "big government" is on their backs - but in many cases - they HAVE YOUR / OUR BACK. In order to avoid poisoning ourselves to death by cancer, birth defects, liver disease, MS - God knows what else - we need environmental regulations and regulators / agencies to halt the poisonings. We citizens don't find out the harm until we're dying from things 30 years down the road. Companies produce and sell chemicals at lightning pace. Without adequate testing / regulating agencies that are FULLY-STAFFED & FULLY-FUNDED ........... who's going to accomplish all the safety testing that's needed??? We eat & drink this stuff ........... in one way or another ........... and so do our kids & grandkids.

Can we at least agree on that? (Again - not picking a fight here. I just can't understand WHY some folks bi##h about regulations / regulating agencies .......... until THEY need them. We all need them - poison knows no boundaries - except in high dollar neighborhoods. You won't find toxic waste dumps in those gold-plated zip codes.)
This is an interesting topic as I have found I get much better results with untreated clover seed (don't think it is treated with neonics, but there are other things on there) as well AND YOU GET MORE SEED. Who knows what is in the coatings that even our little clover seeds get?
I understand that some of that seed will not germinate (as is the case everywhere), but with several hundred thousand seeds per pound or whatever the amount is, you are bound to come out ahead with even nominal germination rates on the increased amount of seed. And most times the coating takes up at least 1/3 of the weight of the seed that you are planting!
I really enjoy Dr. Woods and Lundgren's videos alot and feel like I learn something new every time I watch them.
The untreated clover bit is all anecdotal on my part, but it is an interesting way to not give the consumer as much seed....
TRUST me on this - I'm NOT trying to pick a fight here. I'm completely at peace! And this isn't aimed at just you, SD!!! I'm just noticing & questioning. Please just consider ........

With this neonic stuff - why are you "buying" the scientific data / findings on this? Some of the guys on here REFUSE to believe any other scientific data from anywhere in the country about a number of problems - but the neonic stuff is "gospel." ( I agree with Lundgren's findings, BTW!!! I don't like it either. ) It seems that many people only get to be "believers" when the problem (whatever it is) is in their back yard and it's biting them in the butt. THEN those people want regulators ( you know - government agencies ) to come in and fix the problem.

My point is this .......... so many complain that "big government" is on their backs - but in many cases - they HAVE YOUR / OUR BACK. In order to avoid poisoning ourselves to death by cancer, birth defects, liver disease, MS - God knows what else - we need environmental regulations and regulators / agencies to halt the poisonings. We citizens don't find out the harm until we're dying from things 30 years down the road. Companies produce and sell chemicals at lightning pace. Without adequate testing / regulating agencies that are FULLY-STAFFED & FULLY-FUNDED ........... who's going to accomplish all the safety testing that's needed??? We eat & drink this stuff ........... in one way or another ........... and so do our kids & grandkids.

Can we at least agree on that? (Again - not picking a fight here. I just can't understand WHY some folks bi##h about regulations / regulating agencies .......... until THEY need them. We all need them - poison knows no boundaries - except in high dollar neighborhoods. You won't find toxic waste dumps in those gold-plated zip codes.)
I'm not against regulators in theory, but there are no regulators looking out for the little guy anymore. This is the problem we've learned with healthcare most recently but also, food, war, banking, family services, the environment, the border, etc. Not one of those agencies are living up to their mission. The FDA has a skyway connected to Pfizer. The USDA has a skyway connected to Tyson, Corteva, and Purdue. The Treasury department has a skyway connected to Goldman Sachs. The Pentagon has a skyway connected to Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Lockheed. These agencies are here to ensure that these industries get away with everything they're doing.

I'm not holding my breath for government to protect me. Historically, government's only job has been to steal as much as possible and kill as many people as possible as fast as they can. Show me any government program going on today, and it is driven by motivations of theft or democide, and the ones that work really well, do both.
How is one to know if seed is coated with neonics? I assume not all coated seed is coated with neonics. I don't see this type of info on most websites.
SD, thanks for posting this. This has lots to ponder.

I didn't see it here before I posted. I'll delete my thread.
Missed this, but Willy posted that video too. scary stuff.
How is one to know if seed is coated with neonics? I assume not all coated seed is coated with neonics. I don't see this type of info on most websites.

Its red or green seed. Soybeans I've planted anyway.
I thought the neonics were generally considered pretty safe. The bad rap they always got were for bees, but as far as I know the major concern for that is when the chemical is sprayed, and considered much safer as seed treatment. I'll finish watching through the linked video. Definitely sounds a little concerning if it's true. I hadn't heard of Dr. Lundgren, but I thought it was Dave Depape when I opened it up. He kinda gives me a vibe of a guy who might have Al Gore and Greta in his speed dial.
I thought the neonics were generally considered pretty safe. The bad rap they always got were for bees, but as far as I know the major concern for that is when the chemical is sprayed, and considered much safer as seed treatment. I'll finish watching through the linked video. Definitely sounds a little concerning if it's true. I hadn't heard of Dr. Lundgren, but I thought it was Dave Depape when I opened it up. He kinda gives me a vibe of a guy who might have Al Gore and Greta in his speed dial.
He was a USDA entomologist. He was doing research on bees and ecosystems and discovered all the magic potions dumped on the landscape were having devastating effects on people, water, air, soil, plants, etc. He took it to his bosses, and he figured out real quick that nobody in the USDA had any interest in hearing, much less letting out, what he was discovering. Anything that is going to benefit humans in terms of health or nutrition is going to happen in the absence of and defiance of big money.

Its red or green seed. Soybeans I've planted anyway.

The main ones I can think of with red seed that I've planted are NWW HD plot screen (sorghum) and Fixation Balansa clover. I don't think either of them have neonics though?
I'm not against regulators in theory, but there are no regulators looking out for the little guy anymore.
AMEN. I agree, SD !!!
The avg. folks ALWAYS get the short end of the stick ............ polluted surface & ground water / soil / air, eminent domain, food safety, zoning, investor protections .......... pick your gripe.
I believe most scientists are doing the right things, and are trying to keep the public safe from a variety of bad things. The trouble occurs when big money interests and their LOBBIES dump trainloads of money to "public servants" - who then enact laws (or weaken existing ones) to do the bidding of the "BIG MONEY" interests - not the avg. American folks' interests. How is it a "good thing" when some company or industry wins at lobbying for laws that allow them to continue polluting - in whatever way - and people's wells are polluted, or your air quality sucks, and health problems arise in the neighboring area?? Same goes for untested / barely-tested chemicals or heavy metals to be used on seed, in food ( even baby food!!! ), furniture coverings, dyes, women's makeup, etc.

When I was young, cancer was MOSTLY a disease of older people. Now, - newborn infants, toddlers, young kids ........ cancer among those groups is fairly common. I HAVE TO believe their parents were exposed to dangerous substances in their environments that altered their genetics - possibly causing so many cancer cases and birth defects in today's very young kids.

Bottom line .......... I agree with your comment that I quoted above SD. Have a good day, friend!!!!
Just thought of something ......... when I was a kid, Dad and I would plant a BIG vegetable garden every spring. Most of the seed I planted had either pink or purple powdered coatings on them. I'm guessing it was Captan or some other fungicide or insecticide. Corn, several kinds of beans, peas - all had those powdered coatings on them. My fingers would be colored for days after planting - despite much scrubbing with Lava soap and others. I wonder what negative effects have hit me since then - or are yet to be discovered. I just know that I ate lots of burgers, toast, all kinds of sandwiches, bacon, fruit, etc. with those dyed fingers. Creeps me out.
AMEN. I agree, SD !!!
The avg. folks ALWAYS get the short end of the stick ............ polluted surface & ground water / soil / air, eminent domain, food safety, zoning, investor protections .......... pick your gripe.
I believe most scientists are doing the right things, and are trying to keep the public safe from a variety of bad things. The trouble occurs when big money interests and their LOBBIES dump trainloads of money to "public servants" - who then enact laws (or weaken existing ones) to do the bidding of the "BIG MONEY" interests - not the avg. American folks' interests. How is it a "good thing" when some company or industry wins at lobbying for laws that allow them to continue polluting - in whatever way - and people's wells are polluted, or your air quality sucks, and health problems arise in the neighboring area?? Same goes for untested / barely-tested chemicals or heavy metals to be used on seed, in food ( even baby food!!! ), furniture coverings, dyes, women's makeup, etc.

When I was young, cancer was MOSTLY a disease of older people. Now, - newborn infants, toddlers, young kids ........ cancer among those groups is fairly common. I HAVE TO believe their parents were exposed to dangerous substances in their environments that altered their genetics - possibly causing so many cancer cases and birth defects in today's very young kids.

Bottom line .......... I agree with your comment that I quoted above SD. Have a good day, friend!!!!
Could not agree more. This is why I just don't trust anything with money behind it, and then I do my own research. If peace and good health broke out the world economy would implode.
If you really want to challenge your thinkin, ponder this: Does the flat earth even need corn or soybeans? Can we survive another 50 years of the corn/bean system? Our rural communities, our soils, our water, our wildlife, our air, our health. Can we do it?