Gly spray didn't work?


5 year old buck +
Did a 1 pint an acre spray on my home foodplot last week. Even did a double pass on the new little addition. So that got a quart an acre on lawn grass mostly. The rye looks like it didn't miss a beat. Sprayed it around 11am on sunday, so it definitely dried before the night frost / dew came. Weather this week was low 60's high with light 30 deg frost two maybe three nights. Wondering if my gly is too old. tractor supply cheapie brand 41%, maybe 4 years old. Rye is about 5-6 inches tall. Not seeing alot of clover, seeing some moss and more perennial grass. Some young weeds, hard to id for me yet. Will try to get a pic today.

Might try to respray with a quart/acre of new sometime this week. Got weather in the 70's/80's here in zone 5/6 NY.
It may just be too cold for it to work "fast". Cold seems to delay things. I'm having the same thing with broadleaf weeds and 24D in my yard right now. Slow death for the weeds.
I would give it a bit I sprayed around the cage edges of my fruit trees and a small section of reed canary grass with the same gly you described at 5 oz/gal about 2.5 weeks ago it took till this week to notice the burn down but it did a great job. I think the plants just hold it till it gets a bit warmer then it takes effect as the weeds try to grow.
The recommended rate per acre is basically 2 quarts per acre. 1 pint sprayed twice to get to one quart per acre was a weak mix in my opinion. If it was cold temp it may still be working but will take a while to see full results.
^^^ I agree the mix rate sounds low. I use 3 oz of Gly per gallon and it takes about 20-25 gallons for an acre. So ~60-75 oz of Gly per acre.

I have also seen slow response this year with a day or two of warm weather and 5-6 of days of cold weather.
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It’s probably nearly impossible to come to some conclusion about the outcome of this. There are too many variables in play. It’s early and cold. The.Glyphosate is old. I’ve never had any long enough to know what it shelflife might be, but surely there is a shelf life. I bought it at tractor supply it had no surfactant in it according to the Label. And, conditions being perfect with the application made with precision a pint really should be enough to do the job, however, lacking faith, and being human, we double up.
Sounds like he was doing the weak gly to promote clover trick, not trying to terminate the whole plot.

I would give it time. I find using weak gly takes several weeks. I also add cleth at full strength when I do that to really nuke the grasses.
I used some Gly this spring that was probably 10 years old. Sat in an old barn so it did freeze/thaw often. It worked fine so I wouldn’t suspect that is your problem. Gly is terribly slow in my opinion. I would give it some time yet. Couple weeks at least.

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Did you add AMS to your water? If you have hard water, it will neutral the Gly(weak acid) and it won't do anything.
My SIL which farms alot of ground says that gly doesn't work as well if nights are cool as thats when it kills.I sprayed some a few weeks ago and it took almost 2 weeks
Actually, I used a pint of 41% on a 1/2 acre. So, it was a quart an acre. Was very busy ast few days, but noticed some yellowing. Rye is dying.
Any clue what weeds are these? Staeting to see more moss. Put a 1/2 ton / acre of pelletized lime in febuary. May put another 1/2 ton in august. Held off the crimson clover, might get buckwheat.

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Thanks, Sure looks like speedwell. I see it;s yellowing some. This is a common lawn weed, so many places that reference treatment do not say anything about reaction to gly. It is an annual, so gly probably knocks it out with one shot.

Not too much experience with spring sprayings. A few years back I just wanted anything but my foodplot plants gone. With all the medicinal properties and being in the plantain family, sure the deer eat some of it
Finally finished the almost never ending head gasket job on my daughter in laws jeep......

Had a few hours today. Spread crimson clover and then some oats on balder spots and the new plot addition from the lawn. Mowed the plot, lightly harrowed, spread a little more clover on the deeper harrowed spots, then rolled it in with a lawn roller. Got some rain coming in tomorrow and then another day or two this upcoming week. Lows 50's highs 70+ most days.

While I was rolling the plot, a woodcock was right infront of my ATV. Stayed long enough for a picture, but it didn't come out well.