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Give up your guns boys.

Gun control, not murder control... yeah makes sense.
I just don't understand why you guys aren't for some common sense gun control?
"Common sense" is the phrase used by people who lack the ability to formulate an argument supported by facts and reason.
I just don't understand why you guys aren't for some common sense gun control?

In all fairness, I think Chucker has a good point. We should be open to stopping people from commiting crimes and murder with a firearm.

Chucker, would you please share your thoughts on what gun control procedures, laws, etc. you believe would have stopped the Boulder, CO incident? Or the 15 murders per week in Chicago?
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What we need are some common sense laws against murder, oh wait. How about assault and battery? Oh wait. Maybe some strict drug la..... woops
Im pretty sure no one has or will ever say, " you know i really want to kill a bunch of people, im willing to break all tbe laws it takes to do just that
But that gun law is just to much to chance. Nope cant do it"
Just makes no sense to even talk about it.
They keep talking.about the "gun show loophole " . For 1 there really is no loophole, last time i bought a gun at a gun show i still had to do all the same paperwork and checks as if buying at a store. 2, i really dont believe any of these mass murderers are going to shows to pick out their gun. I would venture that most are stolen or bought on the streets.
Maybe if we had a law against stealing guns..... yeah thats the ticket.
You can certainly attempt to eliminate guns, that is one approach. The issue becomes that we have ample evidence of individuals committing mass murder in other ways.

Driving a speeding vehicle into a crowd of people.

Walking into a group people and attacking with knives & swords.

Using explosives.
Any law they make would just be a feel good law. It wouldnt deter any of these idiots from shooting up places.
I too am confused on the background checks, and gun show loopholes they are talking about. I have yet to buy a gun and not have a background check done. The only time I have not had one done was when I bought a gun from my brother, in which they will never be able to prevent private sales of guns. At least to any criminal, and all it would do is add a large fee to any gun sale, and no one would report it anyhow.

I am 100% against gun registration, I see nothing good about the government knowing who, and what guns each household owns.

In my opinion this will only be fixed when parents start teaching their kids to respect others. Right now, people are just inconsiderate

What good are new laws, when they either don’t enforce the old ones, or they aren’t them, and release them. Start throwing the book at these idiots before they become killers.
I'm not a big gun person. I only own 3 guns. A 308 for deer hunting, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and a Mossberg 20 gauge with a slug barrel that I havent taken out of the case for 10+ years. Its been a few years since I shot my 12 gauge. Usually take my 308 out once before deer hunting to make sure its still sighted in. I average firing 3-5 shots per year for the last 5 years. Dont own a hand gun and dont own AR 15 or anything similar. Every time I see the politicians wanting to take guns away I want to go out and buy more. The only ones that are gonna give them up are law abiding citizens. The criminals will always find a way to kill. PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS!!

I just don't understand why you guys aren't for some common sense gun control?

Are you serious?
I’ll pretend you are and give you a simpled down answer.

Take Chicago/LA/NYC as an example;

They have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country way past anything “common sense “. And yet they have the highest amount of shootings and gun crimes in the country per capita. So why would any more “common sense” laws change anything for criminals or nut cases?
All more gun laws would do is disarm law abiding citizens and make them even more vulnerable to criminals.
Do you have any idea how many crimes are stopped and lives saved by legally armed citizens every year? The Fake News MSM will never talk about that.
The only reason the far left wants more gun control is to disarm the public to make them more compliant.
Just look at all the freedoms that have been lost in countries that have given up their rights to bare arms. It is a way deeper topic than just gun rights.
I'm not a big gun person. I only own 3 guns. A 308 for deer hunting, a Remington 870 12 gauge, and a Mossberg 20 gauge with a slug barrel that I havent taken out of the case for 10+ years. Its been a few years since I shot my 12 gauge. Usually take my 308 out once before deer hunting to make sure its still sighted in. I average firing 3-5 shots per year for the last 5 years. Dont own a hand gun and dont own AR 15 or anything similar. Every time I see the politicians wanting to take guns away I want to go out and buy more. The only ones that are gonna give them up are law abiding citizens. The criminals will always find a way to kill. PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS!!

That guy gave an awesome speech. Thanks for sharing this.
Fishing season doesn't open until the first week of May but I already caught a few. :emoji_grinning: I have never been quoted so many times in my life. I'm right there with you guys in that no legislation against gun ownership ever works. When you KILL someone no matter the means it is already against the law.
We are finding out that Obama is in charge now, and working Harris in slowly. Leaked info has Harris taking calls from foreign leaders. Biden and Harris travel everywhere together, which is not supposed to happen for security reasons.

Harris will be in soon, and she’s worse yet on gun control
Fishing season doesn't open until the first week of May but I already caught a few. :emoji_grinning: I have never been quoted so many times in my life. I'm right there with you guys in that no legislation against gun ownership ever works. When you KILL someone no matter the means it is already against the law.

Figured you were just pot stirring ... :emoji_wink:
Fishing season doesn't open until the first week of May but I already caught a few. :emoji_grinning: I have never been quoted so many times in my life. I'm right there with you guys in that no legislation against gun ownership ever works. When you KILL someone no matter the means it is already against the law.
I wasn't quoting you. It was a reply to your ignorant statement. The site automatically puts your statement in the reply.
Here they come again. We have to stop these violent guns. I guess if were a complete dipshit like these commie bastards I could blame the gun and not the criminal and feel good about myself. Hopefully they pass a bill to outlaw poverty too. Time to go BIG comrades!!!!

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What part of "Shall Not Be Infringed" don't they understand?
20,000 gun laws in this country and they think we need more??
These bastards place their hand on The Holy Bible and swear to uphold and defend the US Constitution...then they proceed to break that pledge every chance they get.
Where is the surprise? They have been saying for years this is what they want to do, now they have the means to do it.
That will be the tipping point for many.
"Common Sense" gun laws are a trigger to me. Can't stand that catch phase. Only used when there isn't a valid argument. How about we take out the word gun out and replace it with abortion, gender, race, religion, etc. Common sense is an opinion at best when related to law.

No surprise that biden would jump on the tragedy to chase gun control. It was part of his campaign, as well as; open borders, increased dependency on foreign oil, less domestic jobs, and dependency on government for a living wage. He seems to be getting a lot of theses things but in a crappy manner. I can't imagine that he is proud of the Mexican border right now even though it's what he wanted.
Most likely a very effective diversion from something else. Government is a problem and it can't continue to blatantly shit on the people without serious repercussion. People need to take over and stand up for their rights BEFORE it's too late.
Drop a bunch of bombs on Syria and a month later there is a mass shooting carried out by a Syrian. Weird!
We can all fight back and rub it in the governments face. Take your stimulus check and put it towards a lifetime membership to the NRA.
Michael Moore said that Syrian is as American as apple pie. When a Syrian shoots a bunch of white people it's not a hate crime, but when a psycho white guys shoots a bunch of sex workers because something isn't working out the way he wants, then it's an Asian hate crime.