Giant Hogweed


5 year old buck +
I read about this today and I copied and pasted it. I would have put pics of it but I’m terrible with computers. Just something to watch out for. Sightings of the giant hogweed have been reported in Virginia, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and parts of the Pacific Northwest, WTVD reports.
The plant is a member of the carrot family and can grow to more than 14 feet tall, according to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
The plant's watery sap contains photosensitizing agents. When the sap combines with moisture and is exposed to sunlight, it can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and even blindness.
it is a nasty plant for sure, it is on the let folks know what it looks like list for sure. Kinda like teaching kids how to spot poison ivy before it is too late.
Yup. That’s why I wanted to let people know. If someone can, go ahead and post a couple pics of it.
the stuff is everywhere in s.e. mn. I get it at least once every year. I have just accepted the fact that if i'm going to be an outdoorsman im going to get it.
This is on the news today here in Richmond Va. This college kid working landscaping for the summer cane in contact with it. Suffered 3rd degree burns to his face. 1A5C6C8B-3F05-4982-B88F-D39B003BBFE5.png1A5C6C8B-3F05-4982-B88F-D39B003BBFE5.png
Wow. That’s some dangerous stuff. Always be aware of your surroundings.
guess you didn't see the link I put in the post above yours?
Looks like a case for GLY if there ever was one !!! Holy sh** !!!!! I saw that pic and article on TV that's shown above. That HAS to hurt.
I read an article a few years ago in a local paper about some pric* in the area that had it growing on his property. He must have been a weirdo, greenie-weenie because he said that he welcomed the "diversity" and wouldn't kill the stuff. What an asshole! If I knew where he lived, I would have been sneaking in at night with a tank of Agent Orange.