Gained 2 new mature bucks


5 year old buck +
Had 2 new mature bucks show up this past week. Both showed up on scrapes. Can't wait till a couple weeks from now when the rut gets here. Now if only the top 2 shooters from last year would show up....

That is a nice gain. When do you guys see peak rut up that way?
Normally the first week of November the bucks are full blown rutting.
Really nice looking bucks, good luck with them.
Normally the first week of November the bucks are full blown rutting.

We are usually about a week later. Good luck, you have something to look forward to.
Nice and day time pic to boot.
Great pix !! You caught everything - from the pawing to working the licking branch. Dandy bucks you have there. Good luck with them !!
Nice ones!!