free daily satellite imagery


5 year old buck +
free daily satellite imagery|2018-07-25&atmFilter=&showDates=false

"There's new free daily satellite imagery at Sentinel Hub Playground. It's not high resolution, but I think 10m pixel resolution. But you can see new forest harvests that happened yesterday for example. You can go back day by day too. "

A friend mentioned this today. I have looked at it a little and it seems useful. There is a lot to try on it. I can see the progression on cuts like he says, for example.
Pretty cool. At my farm it only has updates about every 5 to 6 days. A bit blurry but it's clear enough to make out lots of dirt in the neighborhood bean fields. Bad drought this summer and they just aren't growing enough to canopy.

Corn fields look a bit greener but not great. I can even make out my brown clover fields :( when the puffy not dropping rain clouds aren't over them.
Cool! Thanks for passing this along Shedder!
Daily is misleading. More like weekly. The Playground viewer has layers like infrared, etc. that I found helpful.
This video shows how to pick out crops. I wouldn't doubt you can follow crop progression and health through drought and other stresses.
However, there is a lot more to it than the free viewer.

Note the various options here.

EO Browser info, Requires a Free sign up for all features.

There are lots of instructional videos that explain more. I haven't look at many but it seems capable of skinning the cat.
Quick tutorial on Sentinel Hub
Seems to to be the basic intro
It does a lot. I was lost through most it.