Franklin Cider Tree Availability

Read chickenlittle's post #62. That should tell which you have.

Yep, I tried that. I'm not good with colors. Looks purplish grey to me. :emoji_flushed: I was hoping there was some way to track it with the tag numbers.


Simple fingernail test will you if the cambium is greenish or reddish
Simple fingernail test will you if the cambium is greenish or reddish

I thought chickenlittle was referring to the bark color.
I talked with Starks a year ago asking what rootstock they use on their semi dwarf apples. They told me M7.
Yoderjac: I can't tell by the numbers on the tag. What I do know is that Stark grafted most of them on B118 but can't say for sure. I tried to get this resolved with Stark Bro's so growers like yourself know what they are getting but feel on deaf ears. My suggestion would to purchase Franklins through the Wholesale Division of Stark Bros to assure you are getting the rootstock needed to meet your objectives, but it does have a 50 tree minimum order. For smaller orders, I would check at Cummins Nursery, Wildlife Group, to name a few.
Cummins and Wildlife Group are allowed to sell the Franklin Cider trees?
Cummins and Wildlife Group are allowed to sell the Franklin Cider trees?

Most likely so. Patents can be licensed in different ways. Sometimes a license is exclusive to one buyer and sometimes it is not exclusive. Sometime it allows to licensee to sub-license and sometimes not. If not, it could be the original license propagates the trees and wholesales them to a reseller (probably the case). If so, they may even be able to have the propagated under contract. One way or the other, anyone clonally propagating them must trace back to the patent license through some legal mechanism in order to be legal.

I don't know the details of how Franklin Cider is licensed. AU Encore (seguin) and AU BUCK IV (chestnut) are exclusive licensed to the Wildlife group. I was emailing with one of the folks at Auburn who holds the patent and they mentioned that in the conversation.


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