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Franklin Cider Identification


5 year old buck +
I received 2 Franklin's from Stark a couple weeks ago that I purchased on sale. They both have leafed out now, but one has red leaves and one has green. Obviously, one is not a Franklim, but which one? I suspect the red leaf tree is just a grown out B118 rootstock, which they are on, but want to confirm.
My Franklins have green leaves
Red leafed one could be a flowering crab or crabapple.
You're probably right about it being a grown out B 118. I'd contact Stark's.
You're probably right about it being a grown out B 118. I'd contact Stark's.

I am patiently waiting to try a B118 apple, but no flowers on mine yet. A lady named Lois had a good description of them on this forum, a few years back.

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Young Franklin on B118. Looks green to me. From Cummings a few years ago when they had some that first year with all the hype. Mine have done average growth the last couple years. The Whitney and Chestnut crab have done much faster growth and are 4 for 4 on flowering last year and this year. Franklins are 0 for 4 but grow ok and have nice crotch angles.

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Pretty impressed with my 2nd yr Franklin's so far.


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Franklin trees are green and B118 rootstock are red leafed. May be a different variety too. 3rd leaf Franklins have grown to an impressive size and decided to let them fruit this year. Trees have surpassed the height of 5 year old Liberty, Honeycrisp, and enterprise in the same 50 block.IMG_3514.JPGIMG_3514.JPGIMG_3515.JPGIMG_3514.JPGIMG_3515.JPGIMG_3518.JPG


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This is a Franklin I got from from Cummins in 2017. I don't recall it ever having red leaves so my guess is something might have slipped through the cracks at Stark Bros. I think you will be pleased with the Franklin(s) you did get. This one is doing well and is producing it's first few apples this year. 2019 05-20.jpg
Our 2 Franklins (from Cummins 2 years ago) are in their 3rd leaf and are just above their 5 ft. mesh cages. Branching well and good crotch angles also. Green leaves - no red. I'm happy with them.
I wish I had a third leaf tree that looked like those. My Franklins do look better than most and are in the 6-7’ range starting their third leaf. All green leaves.
There is one more possibility - I'm not saying this is the case for sure, but I'm just saying its a possibility.

I've seen leaves on apples and crabapples (and especially persimmon trees) with a red tinge in the spring that lasts for just a while. This is due to the presence of the same chemical compounds that cause leaves to change color in the fall and a temporary shortage of chlorophyll. This shortage can be caused by different things that could have happened at the nursery.

If the leaves don't change to green in a few weeks of being exposed to good sunlight and warmth, the above is not the case. Also, if you are talking deep red (like a purple leaf plum), that isn't the case either. But if it's just a red tinge, I think its a possibility.