Foodplot help


5 year old buck +
I planted an acre of “ evolved 7 card stud “ I have no idea if the results are just an overwhelming amount of triticale or if I lost the plot to a broadleaf grass... here are a few pics maybe someone can help identify if it was a success or not. There are SOME raddishs, turnips, forage oats, clover. I haven’t seen many peas at all and I don’t know what chicory looks like. Plus the plot is like 4ft tall now and THICK.



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This is a plot that should have been planted (depending o your location) August 1-September 1) You can still do a TNM plot into it for fall attraction/nutrition. That is a ton of biomass.
This is a plot that should have been planted (depending o your location) August 1-September 1) You can still do a TNM plot into it for fall attraction/nutrition. That is a ton of biomass.

Indiana and according to their website i followed the spring planting date correctly.

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It grew anyway.

Triticale is a winter cereal that is a cross between rye wheat. You can tell it is winter tritical because it hasn't produced seed yet.

Radish and turnips if planted in the spring will "bolt" which means they will flower and produce seed. These two seeds are best planted in early August (from my experience) you may be better off waiting until mid August given your location.

Peas and clover for me would be best planted about the 20 of August so for you again a couple weeks later.

Some people can get away planting a mix like that in the spring because they have high enough deer numbers that unless they plant several acres everything will get mowed down to the dirt. However, those are still crops meant for late summer planting for fall attraction and winter nutrition. I bet the deer will still use it because of the amount of cover it provides but they arent going to be eating most of it.
The spring and fall planting dates depend on what time of year the crop your planting should be planted in your area. If you were planting corn, beans, or some other full season annual you would use the spring planting date. For brassica, clovers, winter peas, and winter cereals you would use the fall planting dates.
I see, It appears come of the triticale is starting to seed. What would you suggest ? start over with something else or leave it?

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you can see a lot of it in that picture
I have 6 food plots. If it was me I'd just leave it. If I only had one plot I would re-do it. If I had 2 or more I'd let it ride as an experiment.
That isn't triticale. IMO, start over before all of it goes to seed.
here i had such high hopes for it. Dang
thanks for your help
I see, It appears come of the triticale is starting to seed. What would you suggest ? start over with something else or leave it?
I think that what you see in the pic is Foxtail and the big leafed stuff is Velvet leaf.
If you decide to do the plot over, you got plenty of time still
I have 6 food plots. If it was me I'd just leave it. If I only had one plot I would re-do it. If I had 2 or more I'd let it ride as an experiment.

Would you just till it or spray it all and kill it then till it? I got it all mowed down today.

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I would have broadcast into the standing vegetation then sprayed or mowed it down on top of the seed.
I would have broadcast into the standing vegetation then sprayed or mowed it down on top of the seed.

Well shit

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Well shit

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Not all is lost depending on what your fall plans are. I’m not sure where you are located but you can let it grow for a few weeks then broadcast, spray, and mow. If you don’t get enough growth you can broadcast, spray, and roll instead.
Well shit

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Not all is lost depending on what your fall plans are. I’m not sure where you are located but you can let it grow for a few weeks then broadcast, spray, and mow. If you don’t get enough growth you can broadcast, spray, and roll instead.

I’m in Indiana. My plans were going to be frigid forage autumn quick plot.

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So you are saying let it grow a bit broadcast the autumn quick plot, spray with glyphosphate the same day? Then mow?

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