fix repair help


5 year old buck +
I have a pear tree that uprooted during the weather from Hurricane Sandy. I was able to get it upright when I checked on it and it has been fine...Except the central leader must have weakened...and now has split kinda like those chinese handcuffs you put your fingers in when you were a kid. Didn't notice it until I checked on recently. The splt or smor accuretly splintering is about 10 feet off the ground where the trunk is about 2- 2 1/2 " in diameter. The tree is probably 16 feet high. It's got a definate bend to it due to the weakness being off center. Can I let it go?, bandage it/repair it, cut it off? What is my best option for this tree come spring.
thanks much, Paul
A picture would be helpful though I think I would lean towards cutting it off below the damaged area.
I too would lean toward cutting it off below. I would assume it will eventually break there. Better to remove it now rather than let it get bigger and heavier before it fails on its own. Could do more damage to the tree when the top falls. It would recover from you pruning it and be strong.
Agree with the above posts.
thanks folks, i will cut it when I do my pruning.