First try without a disc


Yearling... With promise
New member here just wanting to throw out what I try from whatI've learned from some good reading on here. I've got an opening on a ridge top that is an old log landing. Trail in is small so figured it would be a perfect spot to try some no till. Not enough thatch for throw and mow so knew I was gonna have to throw and roll. Got everything sprayed and went back to check it out.


First pic is from far end of plot. I left some cedars standing to give it an hourglass shape so it wouldn't seem so open. Second pic is from where my blind will be set up looking across plot. No trees big enough for a stand here. Got lucky with some rain in the forecast so headed up to seed. It started out light but was raining pretty good before I got finished spreading. I ran over everything with the 4wheeler and hoped for the best. Went back yesterday to check it out and thought it looked pretty good. Had good germination across the whole field. Took a pic in the shade so it would show up better.

Already had some visitors come check out what was going on.

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Looks good!!!
Looks great. Nice little sweet spot.
Looks like you got some pretty good germination! Nice little kill plot.
What did you plant?