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First timer plot in!


5 year old buck +
Asked a few questions on here a while back about putting in a couple new plots.

Family is against roundup or any spray, so had to get by with a mow and disc.

Planted two plots the weekend before Labor Day that I think might be half an acre each with 50# WR, 2# red clover, 2# Alice clover, and 1.5# PTT. Also planted a separate half acre plot with a brassica blend and probably put that in way too heavy.

But I’m excited! We got lucky and it rained right as we were getting the tractor put away and I got germination on all my plots. Plus it got rain again last night. Might have something to hunt over this fall/ winter.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in.



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Looks good!
Asked a few questions on here a while back about putting in a couple new plots.

Family is against roundup or any spray, so had to get by with a mow and disc.

Planted two plots the weekend before Labor Day that I think might be half an acre each with 50# WR, 2# red clover, 2# Alice clover, and 1.5# PTT. Also planted a separate half acre plot with a brassica blend and probably put that in way too heavy.

But I’m excited! We got lucky and it rained right as we were getting the tractor put away and I got germination on all my plots. Plus it got rain again last night. Might have something to hunt over this fall/ winter.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in.



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Rye and clover is a fantastic combo!
Well done!
I like it keep us updated.
Very nice. My clover looks about like yours but your rye looks to be ahead of mine. Keep it up
Update! Plots have been in for two weeks now. We’ve gotten several good rains, so they’ve been coming along nicely. The brassica plot (last 2 pics) is definitely coming in slower than my rye/ clover plots. Apparently the birds were hammering my brassica plot. Looked like a landing strip at times with all the birds coming in.





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I'm new also. So, if you don't use gly, how does one address weeds?
Could always till it repeatedly,.. especially when its dry!
Learn to put up with some weeds, like S.T. said rye will help you smother them.
Not sure why someone would be against using gly to kill weeds before putting in a food plot?
Not sure why someone would be against using gly to kill weeds before putting in a food plot?
I suspect a multitude of possible reasons. Organic farming ground or organic farming/orchard ground near. They possibly have been following all the Bayer/Monsanto round up lawsuits or perhaps they just don’t want to consume venison that has been eating chemically inundated ground.




Hey y’all, circling back around. Ironically my brassica plot is now doing better than my rye/ clover. Last pic is actually the brassica in my rye/ clover plot. I did like 3# of ptt to 100# rye and 8# clover.

As for why the no gly spray, there’s a couple reasons outside my control. First, it’s my parents farm, and my mom follows the Monsanto stuff, and the neighbor is organic. So they said no roundup. So I live with a few weeds and I’m hoping the rye will naturally reduce weeds in some other areas.

Do brassicas grow better in part shade? The small plot I’ve got seems to be 5-6” y’all in the part shade and only 2-3” y’all in full sun.

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Hey y’all, circling back around. Ironically my brassica plot is now doing better than my rye/ clover. Last pic is actually the brassica in my rye/ clover plot. I did like 3# of ptt to 100# rye and 8# clover.

As for why the no gly spray, there’s a couple reasons outside my control. First, it’s my parents farm, and my mom follows the Monsanto stuff, and the neighbor is organic. So they said no roundup. So I live with a few weeds and I’m hoping the rye will naturally reduce weeds in some other areas.

Do brassicas grow better in part shade? The small plot I’ve got seems to be 5-6” y’all in the part shade and only 2-3” y’all in full sun.

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Nice looking plot, I would say that brassicas in the shade maybe have a liitle more moisture than the full sun, usually it's the other way around shorter in the shade. Have you been dry?
Nice looking plot, I would say that brassicas in the shade maybe have a liitle more moisture than the full sun, usually it's the other way around shorter in the shade. Have you been dry?

Not at all. Planted at the end of August and I would say we’ve had a good rain at least every 10 days since then.

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Nice looking plot, I would say that brassicas in the shade maybe have a liitle more moisture than the full sun, usually it's the other way around shorter in the shade. Have you been dry?


Here’s the full sun spot.

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Maybe more nutrients better soil.
Maybe more nutrients better soil.

Those pics are like 10-15 yards apart. Better soil in that small of a change?

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