First apple trees of the year are in

The trees I've gotten from SLN have averaged between 3 and 4 ft. and mostly have been whips. Occasionally a branch or two, but mostly whips. I haven't soaked any bare root trees from any nursery, and haven't lost one yet. I do give them LOTS of water over a 2 day span at planting. I hit them several times to let the water soak in slowly rather than one big dump and it runs off. If you only have a few trees, 5 gal. buckets with 2 or 3 ( 1/16" ) holes in the bottom will give you a slow drip soak that doesn't run off. That works great.

Best of luck on your new trees, guys !!
Omegaone you can scratch the bark up top and see if there is good green color and moisture present. If so pop a bud open and mke sure they are green inside. If everything is green just give it some more time. If not work your way down the trunk to see if you have complete die back.
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Omegaone you can scratch the bark up top and see if there is good green color and moisture present. If so pop a bud open and mke sure they are green inside. If everything is green just give it some more time. If not work your way down the trunk to see if you have complete die back.

I'll try that this weekend when I'm up. Thanks!
One of the four is just starting to pop leaves' so there is hope!
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I'll try that this weekend when I'm up. Thanks!
3 out of 4 started popping leaves this weekend, I'm sure the last one will also. I was fearing the worst but they are fine.