Firewood rack plans


5 year old buck +
Let’s see your firewood storage. Looking to build another one this year and want to see what everyone is using for theirs
I am cheap and lazy when it comes to firewood, I just throw down some black plastic on the ground to prevent the moisture from coming up through the ground, throw some some old wood pallets down and stack the wood on top of that. Then just build some sort of roof over the top to block most of the rain. It may not be pretty, but it is cheap, and works.
I got some used industrial plastic pallets for $2 each that look like egg cartons only with a flat top. They stack like egg cartons with no lids. Space efficient. They keep wood off the ground by about 7". I have a PT wood shelter with a shingle roof that I built and I stack the wood on those pallets under that. I also put a poly tarp over a couple more pallets of wood. Cheap and easy to store once empty.
I built a cheapo structure out of 2x4 and set a tin roof on it. Figured that was good enough. It lasted 3 years and is now falling over. I've since replaced with a structure made of treated 4x4 posts and 2x6 using fasteners made for the job. I think it cost me around $200 I sheeted it with steel I traded labor for with a buddy. 5x10, 8' tall in the front. Filled it up with spit oak a month ago. Should be the last one I need to make.
Thanks for the feedback. I currently was going to go with treated 4x4 and 2x6 as mentioned above. Mainly bc I have 19 feet worth of high strength gal steel walkway grating from work. I assume I’ll be needing to use carriage bolts to attach 4x4’s together and the rest is basic