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Fire Blight?


Yearling... With promise
I believe several of my apple and crab apple trees have Fire Blight.
The past 2 years come Spring time the trees look healthy.....start to bud and bloom....then the new end growth wilt...turn black....the die back.
The trees then struggle all summer.
I took pics the best I could to show the effected ends.
Is this indeed Fire Blight? I’ve read numerous articles on how to treat.....prune off all effected limbs 8” back from effected areas....then spray with a vinegar/water solution.
Is this the best treatment and when should I do
I don't see any of the classic "shepard hook" in your pictures that's a sure sign of fire blight.
How about bacterial blossom blast?

If it is fireblight, the trees are pretty tolerant of it. It does not look like these are pruned much which might help. The bacterial infection stops as it reaches older wood and older wood is not far away from the blossom if the tree has not been pruned. If it is fireblight that has been affecting the trees for a while, there probably is not much you can do about it. The bacteria will form cankers that are sources of re-infection in future years. If you don't remove all the cankers, you'll get new infections. Unless you want to cut these back hard or start spraying specifically for FB, you will have trouble stopping on-going FB strikes. In some ways, you can look at FB as natural pruning if it does not kill the tree. If these trees were not affecting newer trees, I might just leave them be.
Sounds like you nailed it Chicken. ^^^^ I don't see the "shepherd's hook" look either. The ornamental pear I used to have in my back yard showed all the classic symptoms, including the hook. Thanks for posting the link - very informative.
Scarecrow - I haven't seen you on here before. Welcome !! Another Bradford County outdoor maniac. There are a few others on here - Aerospacefarmer for one. Where at in Bradford ??

Looking at your picture, it seems like there are a batch of other trees around the apple and crab trees. ( Can't tell how close for sure ). Both apple and crabs do best with plenty of sunlight and air flow - it helps ward off diseases. Maybe trimming or cutting down some of the surrounding trees would help in the long run. Sunlight & air flow go a long way toward avoiding diseases. Low-lying, shaded, crowded locations keep tree canopies wet longer, ( disease risk ), and expose them to frost damage ( frost pockets ). Go for sunlight & air flow. I hope this helps if it's possible in your situation.
I am near East Smithfield and a few of my pear and Asian pears got hit pretty good with fb and or shoot blight which will attack individual shoots and small branches. I took one asian pear out completely as it was black wood down to main trunk low. Knock on wood no fb on apples
Scarecrow - I haven't seen you on here before. Welcome !! Another Bradford County outdoor maniac. There are a few others on here - Aerospacefarmer for one. Where at in Bradford ??

Looking at your picture, it seems like there are a batch of other trees around the apple and crab trees. ( Can't tell how close for sure ). Both apple and crabs do best with plenty of sunlight and air flow - it helps ward off diseases. Maybe trimming or cutting down some of the surrounding trees would help in the long run. Sunlight & air flow go a long way toward avoiding diseases. Low-lying, shaded, crowded locations keep tree canopies wet longer, ( disease risk ), and expose them to frost damage ( frost pockets ). Go for sunlight & air flow. I hope this helps if it's possible in your situation.

I’m in Litchfield Twp. I used to post on the QDMA forum until that went South. I migrated over here afterwards but haven’t been that active over the years....just been to busy. I need to get into it as I really enjoy the reading and info.
Thanks for the info guys. Chick I plan on following thru and prune the infected trees back. I need to nip this in the bud (no pun intended) as I have numerous crabs, pears, and other apple trees in the area which are not effected as of yet.
I’m in Litchfield Twp. I used to post on the QDMA forum until that went South. I migrated over here afterwards but haven’t been that active over the years....just been to busy. I need to get into it as I really enjoy the reading and info.
Thanks for the info guys. Chick I plan on following thru and prune the infected trees back. I need to nip this in the bud (no pun intended) as I have numerous crabs, pears, and other apple trees in the area which are not effected as of yet.
Come on over anytime and see my place and we can chat about apples and more
Scarecrow - I'm not familiar with the township name. I've hunted small game all around the Canton, Grover, Alba vicinities.
Come on over anytime and see my place and we can chat about apples and more
Your not far from me Aero.....I’ll take you up on that
Scarecrow - I'm not familiar with the township name. I've hunted small game all around the Canton, Grover, Alba vicinities.
Canton’s West of me. I’m not far from the Sayre/Athens Area.
On another note.....when I saw some “wet” weather in the forecast last week I figured it would be a great time to get my Turnips in the ground. Rushed and got 2 acres in Saturday.
Now my seed/Urea/dirt is most likely on route to the Chesapeake ‍♂️
Haven’t got a chance to check things out yet.
I will Thursday. Crossing my fingers.
^^^^^^ This rain's been something. We can't get anything done at my camp either. We have turnips, radishes, rape to put in - too wet for now.

I looked up where Litchfield township is - right on N.Y. border. I'm not familiar with that section of the county. I've been telling Aero I'll come over to see him from my camp, but my time at camp always seems to get completely filled with work right up until it's time to head home. I hope to make it to Aero's before we get into archery season. Finger's crossed. :emoji_fingers_crossed:
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