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Fertilizer prices in 21-22

While your at it if you need use glyphosate better stock up two plus years may not be enough , lots of suppliers are now on allocations and will be short
While your at it if you need use glyphosate better stock up two plus years may not be enough , lots of suppliers are now on allocations and will be short

Guess we'll just have to use iron. :emoji_sunglasses:

*Heads of soil nerds exploding..
My SIL is a farmer and just paid over 200K for semi load of totes of gly for next year
I paid $17.00 a bag in August for Urea at the local Co-op. I stopped in there today, after reading this, and picked up a couple of bags and it was already up to $21.00.
Sorry, NOT sorry to offend Treebaby
Too funny!

Was meant to be a big “ hell yes”
to your approach

But I kinda like Treebaby

After I responded I had a second thought that’s maybe what was meant.

My bad

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No worries
Just bought a GP 3p 606Nt and tryin to figure it out

I’m all in and trying to pattern my game after you veteran no tillers

My company works with many of these mineral processors along with paper, steel, food, & energy. We supply industrial process equipment that supports their production. The answer is pretty simple ...

The Gov't pushed an extreme covid narrative that required masks, social distancing, etc. that forced many raw material processors (minerals, pulp & paper, steel production, etc.) to shut down multiple process lines. Companies understood that one employee testing positive for covid, would force a Gov't mandated 2 week shut down and open them up to health inspections. Unlike food processing companies that are designed around sanitary practices, industrial processors are not.

The Gov't has now been paying employees at these companies not to work for the past 14-16 months. Many babyboomers are now retiring early. These are the experienced/trained people who work at these companies who can get things done. This has created a huge void in production and key office personnel. We are finding that many of our suppliers who had 8-10 people in a department, now have 2. This also means that new employees brought in, if they can be found, are young and have little to no experience.

Transportation is a mess right now also. Here is a quote from our banker who provides us updates on market forecasts, trends, & issues ...
Supply-chain bottlenecks continue to be a significant issue with all of our clients, regardless of industry. What was thought to be an issue that would resolve itself in months, may now extend through
2022 and into 2023. Spikes of Covid in Asia have created slowing of exports. Coastal ports are clogged with shipping containers that need to be cleared, a shortage of trucks/chassis to move cargo out
of the ports and ships, for land transportation, are floating offshore that cannot be unloaded due to the gridlock.

Remember, most everything you use in your life has major supply/production sourcing originating in Asia. If you like your rechargeable batteries, phones, electronics, etc., they are all dependent on rare earth minerals. Tighten your seat belts as China controls ~85% of the rare earth mineral market supply.

The current administration is also shutting down N. American oil production (exploration, mining, & refineries). They are pulling oil leases, shutting down pipe line construction, etc. If you think $3/50/gal gas price is high, just wait ... now the Middle East, Russia, & Venezuela will control the oil supply. Where do you think gas prices will go?

This means raw materials shortages are leading to serious upstream fabricator & wholesale distributor problems, unpredictable lead times & availability, and rapid unplanned price increases. We saw steel price increase jump 10% in May, and now 20-30% in Sept. A standard 2hp, TEFC electric motor that you could buy at almost any electrical distributor off the self is now 36 week lead time. Mineral production is experiencing issues and look at the jump in lumber prices, all a result of the above.

The other aspect that compounds the problem is that it takes a major processor several months to shut down a production line. It can take 4-6 months to start up a paper machine and 7-10 months to start up an oil production/refinery line. Then they have to rehire workers ... Duh! no one wants to work when they are being paid to stay home.

Pretty clear who created this crisis ... they certainly aren't wasting it. :emoji_wink:

Depending on what company y'all are, theres a good chance I've purchase and or installed your processing equipment.