One thing is very clear; the last 3 yrs have shown just how deceitful and misleading the major news networks are. For all the hatred of Trump (for his supposed lies and corruption) there should be outrage for the manipulations that news propagates every day. The hipocracy of the American people is amazing. Pick and choose who gets to lie to the people and who you are mad at for doing it. Eyes wide shut!
They need to look at the ownership of the media outlets. Over the last 20 years ownership has narrowed and there is less diversification of reporting and therefore a narrowing of information.

Similar to splitting up ATT for lack of competition they need to make certain their is diversity in the news media ownership otherwise there is less competition and less diverse product/reporting.

If Trump wins another 4 years he should add this to his agenda.

George Soros has his fingers in lots of media.

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President Reagan ,by far , in mine.

The Last Lion of the 20th century

I was born in 1981 so Reagan was in office. I would argue that trump is better (based strictly on the strength of the economy now vs. then). You could argue that back then the middle class covered a wider range though so....Raegan also didn't have these extreme Leftist Dems to deal with or the snowflake youth of today.
The economy and inflation was bad pre Reagan. Interest rates higher than many of you have ever seen. I still think all-around Reagan was the best in my lifetime. Trump second. Nobody else has come close.