failing tree??


5 year old buck +
OK so, one of my apple tree's , a 40+ yr old tree.
it is having some sort of issue, about 40% of the leaves on it have turned yellow and then falling off, I have two other tree's about 10-15 ft away and NO issue's with them, just this one tree?
any clue as to what would cause this??

, all tree's get about the same amount of sun shine and NONE are in prime locations, but they been living as is for so long, I< cannot see what would cause this JUST now?
started turning yellow about a week ago, and now there dropping like crazy? like as in the fall??

have had rain now for about 12+ days in a row, so, NOT due to drought like conditions??
Flooding ! Actually I dont know for sure but with 12 days of rain I would be drowning!
I got a lot young trees in my nursery that could sure do with a nice warm dry spell.
I saw a Myers Royal Limbertwig do the exact same thing last year. By the end of the summer it looked just fine. This year it looks as normal as can be and has a decent fruit set.

My prognosis at the time was that it was SCAB. Look at the link below:

So, I can't say what your outcome will be, but it may come out of it just fine.

Best Wishes
well the tree is on the side of a hill like, so even with all the rian, water is mostly running past it as always, ground has been wet for weeks around all the tree's mostly
and again, JUST this one is showing these yellow leaves and dropping them , if you barely touch any leave on the tree, they fall off!

there is a larger helmock pine tree growing behind it, that is starting to shade this tree more and more every yr, but its directly south of tree, so still gets a bunch of sun east and west of it, as the day goes on(IF the sun ever shines that is LOL)
calling for a warm up this weekend, going from low of 40's at night and highs of mid 50's here
to 90's, so a HUGE jump in temps, maybe it will bounce back!!

another thing I noticed today is a whole bunch of caterpillars, Gypsy moth one's , so not sure if there partly a blame here, DON"T see any leaves that were chewed on however??

and NO nests can I find in any of the tree's on my property??
so not sure where there coming from, but finding them on my deck and about my sheds??
I can't help you with a reason but, I will tell you it is awfully hard to kill an apple tree that old. I would just wait and see as it will probably be fine next year.
yeah these tree's have seen some horrible things over the yrs, bears here have never been kind to them and they still grow like weeds almost LOL
more scars on them than almost any apple tree's I have ever seen, and in poorest locations to boot, surrounded by gravel and stone,

I think tree will be OK, but if I could HELP it, I would
going to trim back the hemlock when time allows, as I do love having these old tree's here, they normally make a TON of apples for me, and the critters love em!
Stress from all the rain most likely. The yellow leaves will fall off and it will be fine.
I c an see stress from too much water, but WHY only the one tree?
that seems odd? as others are less then 15 ft away and just fine?
That's my confusing part here LOL
I c an see stress from too much water, but WHY only the one tree?
that seems odd? as others are less then 15 ft away and just fine?
That's my confusing part here LOL

Soil could be slightly different, different variety, etc... Believe me you think 15' is close, I pull my remaining hair out when a tree 15" from the next one in the nursery is doing better than the next one. :emoji_anguished:There are no two living creatures exactly alike that are affected by the exact same environmental factors.
OK< so, will just have to see what happens in time then

and I agree, things many times have NO real answer, mother nature has plans of her own at times for EACH thing it seems LOL