Experience with Pixie Crunch?

Apple Junkie

5 year old buck +
Recent pics and comments by Jhoss and chickenlittle on the Apple Porn thread got me thinking I should make room for a Pixie Crunch.

I like the small size of the apple (kinda like a large crab). Also, I like to stuff my pockets going in for a sit, and coming out for the ride home, so the fact that it’s a good eater appeals to me. It seems suited for my region, and looks decent as far as vigor and diseases resistance. So for those with some experience with Pixie Crunch, what am I am I missing – anything? Yea’s or Nay’s?
I'd like to know as well. Also, a good source?
Ahhhh... I see that Native. Thanks for the heads up.

The trees I start at home are exposed to Cedar Rust because the evidence is obvious on the trees that are suseptable. Once transplanted to the camp, they show little, if any, evidance of CAR, so I must be clear there. That is a good link too... thanks.

CAS_HNTR, I see Cummins has some on the full size P-18 rootstock, which is perfect for my purpose of getting a big strudy tree.