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Ever seen a crab like this?


5 year old buck +
This tree is growing in a vacant lot. The previous business has been torn down, and it probably just a matter of time before the tree goes too.
I think it looks odd, the tree has weeping limbs, maybe from heavy fruit load, the only up branches look like water spouts.
the fruit is rotting on the tree.
the nearest crab tree in town is 130 yards away, according to Google earth. Is that close enough for cross pollination? Or is it likely a self pollinating tree?
I grabbed a fruit and harvested a few seeds to try and grow something.

That is plenty close enough for pollination, and in town like that there are probably many other pollinators close enough that you don't know about. The weeping branches make me think of some of the Weeping Limbertwigs that I grow, but other apples can look like that too - especially with age.
At some point maybe there was another tree that cast heavy shade on that tree as well and it was growing more towards the light. I agree with Native Hunter on the rest.
It's totally normal for a tree that wasn't dynamically pruned early in life. I doubt it is self fertile. Most likely pollinated by an ornamental crab nearby, or the one you mentioned 130 yards away. Grab some scions if you think it's a good wildlife tree. Most likely no one will even notice.