Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

The article I referred to is below in the CWD-EHD thread
What's your take? Has something like that ever been tried with a wild population of animal? Kinda makes me want to watch jurassic park again.
There have been some pen raised animals that have exhibited a stronger defense against cwd. One cow elk in particular lived for a number of years while all her pen mates died. She lived to old age. Not sure she is dead yet.

I read where a biologist once asked God why didnt God cure the cwd and God replied “I keep sending deer immune to cwd, but hunters keep shooting them”

Not sure there isnt some truth to that.
I've never heard of a deer or elk that was immune to CWD, but I could be wrong on that. I thought there were animals that could get the disease and live longer lives, but wouldn't that simply increase the % of CWD positive animals on the landscape if animals could live longer and continue to spread disease to more animals?
There have been some pen raised animals that have exhibited a stronger defense against cwd. One cow elk in particular lived for a number of years while all her pen mates died. She lived to old age. Not sure she is dead yet.

I read where a biologist once asked God why didnt God cure the cwd and God replied “I keep sending deer immune to cwd, but hunters keep shooting them”

Not sure there isnt some truth to that.
i guess I had it in my head that prion immunity was an impossibility across the whole animal kingdom.
Well Magic Johnson is still alive, not CWD but both diseases are apparently spread by baiting, which leads to nuzzling and licking. 😆
If your pockets are deep enough you'd be surprised how many things can be cured. Cost is usually the limiting factor. That's why I don't think they will ever cure cancer. They make too much money treating it.
I dont know about WI. But in my home state, if you shoot a deer and it goes unrecovered until the next morning - it is likely to be a skeleton. Within three days, you wont even find a bone. I suspect predators catch and consume most of the really sick cwd deer before they even die. I have read some research in western cwd zones that indicate mountain lions eat a lot of cwd infected game because it is easier to catch
Should we be concerned it will jump the species barrier and kill wolfs and coyotes?
Not to be contrary, but that article is 8 years old. I would’ve expected more news if that work was ever peer reviewed and published. That’s big news if true.
I haven't seen anything that proves that feeders actually increase the spread.Feeders aren't the only place that deer congregate or nuzzle each other
Not to be contrary, but that article is 8 years old. I would’ve expected more news if that work was ever peer reviewed and published. That’s big news if true.
There is also research now that indicates there may well be different strains of cwd - some more lethal - or virulent than the rest. That may well have something to do with the differences noted in the older article. Truth be known, I have read no really promising research when it comes to cwd.

Experience shows, so far, that it does not appear that cwd is going to kill all the deer. Areas in Wisconsin with very high infection rates seem to prove that. However, some areas with lower fawn recruitment may not fair as well. I also know that in AR, early research showed a much higher infection rate in fawns than was seen up north. I dont know if that trend is still true - now that we are 8 years in - but the herd in AR may well fare much worse than northern states because of much lower fawn recruitment and a higher infection rate in fawns.
Not to be contrary, but that article is 8 years old. I would’ve expected more news if that work was ever peer reviewed and published. That’s big news if true.



Seems like every time science picks a fight with intelligent design, science always loses.

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