Dolgo crabapple

Black Swamp

5 year old buck +
where is a good place to get 30 dolgos?
Dolgo are somewhat more true to seed than most apples so I grew some from seed. I also ordered scions from GRIN. This should ensure exact dolgo characteristics on a full sized tree and speed time to fruit.


Anyone have a good source?
I've never used them myself, but I believe someone on this forum has positively mentioned Chief River before. These seedlings (not grafted) are relatively inexpensive and thus might fit the bill:

Another place to try for Dolgo seedlings might be Willis:

If you're more interested in grafted Dolgo, I'm sure you could get plenty of scions from forum members and graft them inexpensively yourself.
I ordered a couple dozen dolgo seedlings from chief river nursery a month ago. I've never purchased from them before, but they seemed pretty affordable so it was worth a shot
I ordered some from Willis orchard a few years back. I'm happy with them
Lincoln Oakes Nursery in ND sells Dolgo seedlings.... 25 for around $70
^^^Do they sell to individuals? When I was looking at their site it says it's wholesale only to conservation districts and nurseries.
Never ordered Dolgo's from Chief River but have been happy with everything else I have ordered from them. I would be comfortable ordering from them.

I bought my Dolgo's from Hallman Farms but they are 4-5' trees and would be pretty expensive for 30 trees. They are nice trees and are doing well.
You will definitely have some variability in seedling Dolgo, not saying that is a bad thing, just saying you will. I normally have grafted Dolgo but I am sold out for this spring.
I am happy with dolgo seedlings for wildlife and for rootstock.

There is more variability than most expect, which is good for wildlife purposes.
Are dolgo's self fertile?
I am sorry to side-track this thread but I saw Willis Orchard mentioned. I bought from them in 2010. This is American Crab from Willis 2010. The fruit load was great. I ended up support bracing branches with long forked sticks rather than thinning as I feared the branches would break. But no broken branches. Tree bare-all-dropped by Mid-December. 2 pics, bloom and ripe-fruit.
Dolgo seedling still holding apples. Notice the thick limbs as compared to next post.20170214_093527 dolgo seedling.jpg

Maya, I know this tree needs some pruning and It got a little!
Here is a dolgo seedling planted at the same time and from the same order. Notice the finer limb structure.
20170214_095250 dolgo seedling 2.jpg 20170214_095235 dolgo seedling 2.jpg

I decided to not prune this tree and convert it to a bigger crab this spring.
this is from the same dolgo planting and I added a bigger crab to it in spring 2015.

So you're saying they are both Dolgo but that is the variation due to planting from seed rather than grafting? Were the original seeds from the same tree?
These trees were from a bundle of 25 seedlings from the SWCD office.