Do you hide your cams?


5 year old buck +
This may be a repeat of someone else's advice, but it works for me.
I like the design of many new cams, but as most new cams are kind of shinny, the first thing I do with any new cam is mask everything off and hit it with a little flat gray and black primer..
Make sure to let it sit for bit before using, seems to the trick.
I also hang the straps and hit it with some gray streaks to break up the black band around the tree that is the first thing you notice when you see a cam in the woods.I can spot a cam a 100yds away and the first thing I see is the strap

In recent years I have started to hang some cams as high as 6' to 8' in a tree, it keeps them out of the line of sight.. Another thing I will do is tuck a few leafy branches in the band as extra camo...

I do have to add one thing about hanging you cams a little higher the deer don't see them, you won't get any pics of a deer staring at your cams. There are times when I will get a pic of a big buck with cam hung low he is looking at the cam and I never get another pic of him. I also spray my cams with some sort of scent blocker..

Of course all of this will still just keep an honest guy honest a thief will still steal your cam if he finds it.

Get those cams in the woods if they are not out yet, time to start taking inventory...
If I did all of that I would never find my cams again - I better get one of those wireless jobs!

Maybe I am hurting myself, but I do none of that stuff. I wrap up the extra strap length to keep it from blowing in the breeze and that is about it. No extra paint, no camo, no scent killer - load it, hang it, set it, walk away, that's my routine. I just got back into using cams though so I will keep some of your "tricks" in mind.

I do have one question - how close do you try to get? Say on a mineral site - what distance do you try to be at from the mineral itself and the cam?
I'd toss the straps and switch to 12 gauge green or black coated wire. You can twist/tie it up quicker. Doesn't stand out nearly as bad as straps.
sounds like a good idea...
I do have one question - how close do you try to get? Say on a mineral site - what distance do you try to be at from the mineral itself and the cam?
I hang my cams 10 to 15 yards from a mineral site or bait when trying to get a good look and inventory.. But I make sure not to cross any trails or hang out too long

I think this cam was set up about 10 yards away..


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only got one pic of this buck on the other side of the farm

My son working the mineral into the soil, used lucky buck last year and it worked great.
