Deer videos on my 40


5 year old buck +
Click on pic to see video

It's that time of year the deer start showing up at my place. Nice buck at your place too! I caught some damn nice walleyes this weekend on the pond, biggest was just shy of 15 inches and others were 12-13. Can't believe they can grow that fast!
Nice videos.
Wish trail cams had sound. #2 with the Lightning was cool. Sound would have made it better.
Wish trail cams had sound. #2 with the Lightning was cool. Sound would have made it better.
That was lightning and not luminoks?;)
Riggs- Is that the new waterhole that you just dug?
No Art its not. The biggest buck video is on the trail leading to my new waterhole.
Anyone have an idea of age on the first deer? I was thinking it was for sure 3.5 maybe 4.
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He looks mature from here. Did he walk by that camera more than once?
I believe he walked past the camera cause there was a vid with a tail flicker to the left but he was damn nervous. I never had another full shot of him. I took that camera out of there cause it was on a low stand right on the trail. I never thought he would show up, I just wanted to make sure the deer were using that trail on the southend of the pond.