Dang redneck, thug kids....


5 year old buck +
. I had 3 game cams around the banks of my pond. I got some kinda critters tunnel in my dam so 4th July weekend I put 3 cams around the bank to try to get a picture of it for identification purpose. One was on a tree 15 ft from bank on a standing tree in deep water. I drive up this evening and all 3 cams gone. SOB got all of them ,even the one on a standing tree in deep water.

Redneck, thug ,drunk kids moved in across road the week before I put my cams out.
the 4th weekend they was riding- popping wheelies on three wheelers and drinking up and down county road.
not a hard one to figure out here.

I filed papers with sheriff dep. Nothing will happen but wanted to at least have him seen by the neighbors.
I know. ......I may b jumping the gun about the neighbors being the thieves, but I'd bet my money on it.
About 4 or 5 kids looks like early 20yr old.
My blood is boiling! Trying to keep my cool but I'm pissed
Sorry to hear about your cams. My boy will grow up to be a redneck but he sure won't be a thug. By my definition those two terms don't go hand in hand. Heck he might already be a redneck and he's only 3, that's him in my avatar:eek:
I had somebody burn me out about 5 yeas ago. Hard to accept, but life goes on.

You need to think things through and curtail it. You eventually reach the conclusion that it could be much worse.
Sorry to hear about your cams. My boy will grow up to be a redneck but he sure won't be a thug. By my definition those two terms don't go hand in hand. Heck he might already be a redneck and he's only 3, that's him in my avatar:eek:
I hear you....regardless what you call them these kids look like they don't respect other people's property. I see a lot of donut burnout at a couple of my entrance roads from an atv, and lot of trash thrown out. Like I sad, may not b them but first trouble I had in 43 yrs as soon as these kids move in. Tracks leading down my entrance also.
I had somebody burn me out about 5 yeas ago. Hard to accept, but life goes on.

You need to think things through and curtail it. You eventually reach the conclusion that it could be much worse.
Yep...no entry into any of my shed, barn or house.
So I realize it could b worse so I just have to move a couple cams for survalence. Hide real good. Never know...

I honestly think just possibly some kids that got caught on cam and thought they had to take cams.
This would be the reason to look into a wireless cam. I could care less about getting up to date deer pics but catching some one in the act would be worth the money.
Hit the biggest one of them square in the nose without saying anything. Might not get your cams back but it sends a message.
How well were your cams attached? Straps? Bolted into a tree via lockbox? Maybe try again, but get one up in a tree looking down where you'd at least need a step ladder to get to it. Perhaps on a trial from here to there where they may not see it.

Edit: But I'd step down to a cheaper Moultrie version just in case they take the tree this time.
How well were your cams attached? Straps? Bolted into a tree via lockbox? Maybe try again, but get one up in a tree looking down where you'd at least need a step ladder to get to it. Perhaps on a trial from here to there where they may not see it.

Edit: But I'd step down to a cheaper Moultrie version just in case they take the tree this time.
Just straps.....wireless would be the trick! !!
We run steel security boxes on our property. They get bolted on with 3" lag screws. Only way to get that off is to take the tree.
This is what we're dealing with. There used to be trespassing problems, but the neighbor grew out of it once trail camera use became common place.
Just found out a middle age woman bought the place across the road and her son and couple of his friends live there. This kid has got a long record with the law.
He stays in trouble. Not looking good
Been through that. Then somebody burned me out.
. I've talked to all my good neighbors and everyone of them told me they are bad news before I even said anything about the neighbors. This sux.
Yup two both of your above posts.
Maybe they have started to grow out of it, but the next generation is growing up.